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Complete France Forum

Acacia flower fritters


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Coming away from Keep-Fit on Friday evening, I was just saying "bonsoir" to a large group of locals eating alfresco in the restaurant next door.

I do know many of them by sight.

Without hesitation, one of women got up and came to offer me some of her beignets de fleurs d'acacia.  They were delish but I had to ask her to repeat the name a couple of times before I'd believe that that was what they were.

She said in surprise:  but you have huge acacia trees at the bottom of your garden and these are the flowers!

Admittedly, I have thought the scent of the flowers was lovely but hadn't realised that I could actually eat them.

BTW, if you do want to try frying these, the ideal wines to accompany them are a vouvray or a muscat and that should make them a popular sweet treat to serve your guests or scoff all by yourself! 

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