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Live yoghurt in France


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After doing a bit of digging of a quiet Sunday, I have just answered my own question. All yoghurt is "live", apart from those that are UHT or "long life". The thing that threw me at the supermarket was that all yoghurt I picked up was marked as pasteurised and I was thinking there would be no "liveness" in it if it were pasteurised, however I have found that "live" yoghurt is made with pasteurised dairy products, hence the labelling, and that the "bifidus" type bacteria strains are added to some products as an extra, like Activia to stimulate the friendly bacteria in the gut.

So, thank you to all contributors, much obliged.

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You are correct Stan, I make my own in a yaourtiére and use whatever plain yoghurt is the cheapest as a starter culture, they all seem to work as well as each other including the bifidus ones, I find that its the milk that makes the difference to the taste and thickness/texture
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