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Paul on the Autoroute


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I'll bet that one or two of you opened this thinking of some past misdemeanour.[;-)]

No, this is a bit of a sad thread really, but I'll continue. Having just flogged from one end of France to the other twice for the Christmas hols, we had occasion to use motorway service stations a fair bit. Necessity and all that.

On Thursday, we left our hotel at the crack of (not even) dawn with the usual intention of grabbing something quick and nasty at the first service station rather than pay the silly prices for their breakfast. We walked in the door and the first place was 'Paul', doing an amazing range of viennoisserie, filled baguettes, salads etc. All the prep was being done in a kitchen right behind the serving area. We had an absolutely delicious 'Danish' pastry for €1.65 which we reckoned was a bargain.

I've googled the background and its part of Elior, the firm which is a massive catering and services organisation. I appreciate that none of this is likely to be news to many of you, but I'd never seen any of these outlets before and would almost go out of my way to use one again. Definitely worth a try. 

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I found "Paul" about 3 years ago when OH was is hospital in Bordeaux for a week and I was by my myself in the Ibis and don't particularly like Ibis restaurant food. I stumbled on Paul on my second day and have to say I really enjoyed all the food on offer, whether it was the sandwich outlets in the main shopping area or the restaurant in the shopping area at Meriadeck. Didn't realise they had outlets on the autoroute.....
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I too am a Paul fan.

Our house is located far enough away from the A10 that we don't hear the traffic noise but if we want to we can walk through the vineyards and have a coffee / cake or even a meal at the excellent services. Unlike British M'way services you can enter this one on foot via a rear entrance.  Paul is there with the coffee, bread, cakes etc plus there's a little shop and a restaurant, there's even a Zen room if you feel in need of a rest.[:)] The whole place is kept very clean and their loos are second to none. Sometimes we walk there to buy bread and the newspaper when the village shop is closed.

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[quote user="Cendrillon"]I too am a Paul fan. [/quote]

And, having looked at their web-site on the back of these recommendations, I should like to become a fan but there does seem to be a huge hole covering Brittany. Much the pity.

Sue [:(][:(]

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We've also seen a number of Pauls and find they do seem to vary. I wonder if the one you visited was near a certain hotel we have both stayed at, Gardian? I seem to remember one not far down the motorway. However, my memory does play tricks - I'll look out for it on the way south later this month.

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[quote user="gardengirl "]We've also seen a number of Pauls and find they do seem to vary. I wonder if the one you visited was near a certain hotel we have both stayed at, Gardian? I seem to remember one not far down the motorway. However, my memory does play tricks - I'll look out for it on the way south later this month.

GG ............

It sure is !   About 20kms on from Magnant (heading south, but on the northbound side - you cross under the motorway.)

BTW, it was six years since we were last at Le Val Moret. It was better than ever - they've refurbished the rooms and the restaurant was excellent. Best dish was the entree on the €24.50 menu. Oeuf Mollet was a sort-of thick broth containing braised magret and morilles with an egg poached on top and served with an emulsion of panais.

Our bill was €140 (say £120) for the room, dinner for two (of excellent quality), a bottle of the house wine and a coffee + Armagnac for me.

The place was full of Brits 'on the move' after the New Year - I reckon that 30 of their 42 rooms were occupied. Not bad for a hotel in the middle of nowhere midweek in January!   

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