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Counter signature or not?


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Not really a French legal issue but having noted that previous questions on this topic have been posted here I wonder if anyone has had problems applying for a passport renewal without a counter signature. This would suggest that such is not often required for a renewal if appearance has not changed significantly.


Also I note that a S.A.E. seems not to be required. Any comments folks?...........................J

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No need for counter signature if, as you say, the appearance hasn't changed significantly.  Just compare the old and new photos and you'll soon know if the person is recognisable.

Can't remember the SAE, I seem to think not.  After all, you are already paying them several euros for getting the new passport to you!

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Ok thanks that is the conclusion I had come to and yes the OH has not changed much and we both wore glasses and smiled in the previous photos which is verboten now in the latest ones but other than that not really that different...............J
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I received my new passport, renewed via Paris, just a few weeks ago, and can confirm that I didn't need a counter-signature nor an SAE. Total cost including the 26 euros courier fee to get it back to me - 187 euros - ouch!

Though to their credit it was back with me exactly one week after they received it.

The new photo requirements do mean the photo is NOT flattering - I think everyone must look like a criminal - my certainly bears a startling resemblance to a mug-shot.......


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Thanks for that Lou and others from us both and as one often says, looking at our photos, "Would not like to meet them on a dark night!".......JR (Jackie's other half) How to say that in French? Autre moitié de Jackie?

PS I can confirm that they took only a week to get the new ones back to us, some consolation for the hefty fee! 


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