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Getting immobilier's arses into gear

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How do you do this? They seem to be a law unto themselves. How do you get them to work at selling your house.

While they sent the listing papers 3 weeks ago and I've forwrded them onto my ex for her to sign in Australia, I would have thought they'd have been to my house and photographed it so it's ready to be listed as soon as they get the paperwork.

Nope, even though I emailed the papers with both signatures on, nothing has been done. This was the most professional looking agent in the area too, I think this is going to be a very long drawn out process.

So any tips for dealing with immobiliers?

I expect I am going to annoy them so much because I expect results. They get paid enough for it after all.
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I'm using two agents currently, one local (French), and one international (English). The English one visited several times, took all his own photos, and listed us on half a dozen websites with very good exposure. He's working for 2.5%. I supplied the words to go with the photos, otherwise he would have done them.

For the French one, I had to take all the photos, write up my own brochure, pay to have it translated into good French, and print copies myself. He's put us on his own website (if you look hard enough) and in three local branch office windows. He's on 4% inc TVA. Different country, different approach - but we came here to be more relaxed, didn't we?

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