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Frik out, le Freekeh c'est chic!


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Frik, Farik, Freekeh, Freeken, call it what you will but I love it!


Has anyone else given it a try?


I have avoided potatoes, rice, pasta etc for 5 years now and putting carbs on my plate that I enjoy eating can be a challenge, I like sweet potatoes and was really pleased to find Ebly and the supermarket versions in France because I liked the taste and texture but the Algerian/north African staple Freekeh (blé verte cassé) has taken this to a whole new level.


And seemingly its very good for you as well although I do hope it doesn't become hyped up as the next superfood like Quinoa.


So try it but keep it to yourself!


At the Arab market they only had Frik concassé and not cassé, same roasted taste but smaller grained like Boulgar, I found the proper cracked version very cheap from a UK internet wholefood Platform.

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[quote user="Chancer"]I do hope it doesn't become hyped up as the next superfood like Quinoa. [/quote]

That happens every time weird people think they have discovered something new, when millions of others have been eating/doing it for centuries.

"Named by the Huffpost as the new quinoa and as a superfood by Oprah and Dr. Oz " [:D]

Source:-  [url]https://spoonuniversity.com/lifestyle/freekeh-freaky-freekeh-licious[/url]

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Not sure whether to be flattered or insulted to be considered as weird as Oprah and Dr OZ!


I simply like the taste and texture, seemingly it is rubbed (from where the Arabic name comes) and then set fire to which burns off the chaff, this gives the distinctive taste, and then sun dried, it probably still is made in the traditional way at the moment.

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