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Girl at the Till - The Book.


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Fascinating, and slightly surprising. I knew from a close friend's experience  that this is how it feels in the UK - or at least the South East. But in France I felt that the girls get more of a banter with the customer - certainly in the local supermarches near us. Big cities breed big city manners, I suppose. I'm not sure why, but I've always found it easy to respond to the bonjour - and to look the hotesse in the eye. I try to be effusive with praise if she makes a little extra effort to help me. Why the hell not? It makes me feel good, too!

Years ago, I worked in a big office block at Euston. There was a canteen, where I would lunch most days. After a year or so, my work moved to another building across the road, with its own facilities. Then, after many months, I came back to the first building for a few days. On paying for my meal, the lady on the till asked if I had formerly worked there? I smiled and said yes. "Ah" she said " I remember you - you always said thankyou!" Not many years later, cooperlola and I were supermarket shopping on a Sunday morning near her mum's flat in Wimbledon. When I said the usual TVM to the checkout lady, she looked up sharply, as if my thanks were a surprise.

Someone once said that since manners cost nothing, they are worth nothing. Yeah, right......

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