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Update on The Help


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Read today that the author of The Help  Kathryn Stockett is being sued by Abilene Cooper, a former maid in the household of Stockett's sister. The claim is that the author used the maid's name (spelt Abileen in the book) and many of the events from her life in the writing of the book, without acknowledgement or payment. Cooper is claiming £50,000 in compensation.

Although Stockett did not speak directly to Cooper when writing her book, the maid claims that details of her life story were passed on by Stockett's sister.

Apparently the claim is being denied. Stockett maintains that she based her Abileen on a former, deceased black maid who worked for her family, but Cooper's lawyer describes the author as "...just one more white woman who has exploited an African-American."

Considering the theme of the book is prejudice and the segregation of black people, (even of those who look after their children and homes for them) by the white population of a small town in Mississippi, I'd have thought Kathryn Stockett would have shown a bit more honesty in her dealings with Abilene Cooper.

I haven't described all the similarities in the character of the real Abilene and that of the Abileen in the story, (which comes from the Review Section of the Mail on Sunday) but it seems to me that there's a case to answer.

The film of The Help will be out soon.


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I get why Cooper is upset.  One lingering problem I had with the book was its author's ethnicity but ultimately it was she who put pen to paper, wasn't it?  So many authors draw on life experiences and put people whom they know into their books that I can't help but ask myself where the line is going to be drawn if every time this happens, an author must acknowledge the person who inspired a character in their book.  

 One for The Moral Maze to sort out, I think.

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That's how I felt too, Russethouse - disappointed. Maybe I have credited the author with the sentiments of her creation, Skeeter and feel let down or something.

You're right in a way Cooperlola, Kathryn Stockett wrote the book, but she could have acknowledged, (as many authors do) the fact that it didn't all come from her experience or imagination.

I look forward to hearing the outcome.

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