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This is interesting, I recently put a post on here regarding having a book published. I was asked by many friends, family etc. to make it available on Kindle. I looked into it but decided not to go ahead as I would have to send my manuscript to Amazon and wasn't too sure about this. This week a friend of mine who has a Kindle has told me his friend who works in IT has managed to download hundreds of books illegally onto his Kindle, he says anyone with a knowledge of computing can do this easily. I was very surprised! I think I made the right decision not to go with Kindle, I am only an amateur but how do the authors of best sellers make a living if it is so easy to download kindle books free? I was thinking of asking for a kindle for Christmas but not so sure now, has anyone else got them?

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Yes I have a Kindle an your friend is right, there are thousands of books out there free of charge from various sources but you don't need any knowledge of computing. Amazon for example have a 'free' list. They also have separate list for books you pay for. If your friend knows how to get paid books free its simply called theft !

If you want to make your book available on e-readers use Lulu

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I don't think the books would have been downloaded illegally from Amazon, at least I haven't seen anything like this. I'm not defending Amazon, but the illegal copies are available from many places on the internet. Sending your manuscript to Amazon shouldn't be any riskier than sending it to any other publisher.
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It's a problem that is faced by anyone who produces creative material, be it film DVDs, music CDs, computer games and, most recently, e-books.  Anyone legitimately purchasing your e-book from Amazon can then illegally share it with the rest of the world by using a torrent site. 

The argument against such sharing is that it deprives the author of his income from legitimate sales.  The argument for is that the downloaders get a taste of the author's work and may then go out and buy legitimate copies of his other work.



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Excellent article yes it seems there is a good reason to put your work on Kindle. Like everything new it makes you feel a little vunerable but I might just give it a try. Thanks a lot for all your feedback, it's great to get other folks points of view.
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  • 5 months later...
Hello Wrimo

I've taken the plunge and put my book on Kindle ... I needed to move on after a year or more of editing and proof-reading ... and decided it was the way forward. It was quite easy to load onto the website. I had typed it in Word without too much formatting and it looked pretty good .when I saw it on my friend's Kindle .. just like a book, really! I used Photoshop for the cover and that loaded very easily as it had enough pixels.

I'm just trying to bring it to people's attention now but it's difficult as many forums don't like self-promotion despite the fact people would probably be quite pleased to know about a (hopefully!) good read! I think people who live in France might particularly like it ... it's just telling them about it without too much cost to myself as I'm not going to make a fortune selling it at £1.54!

If I can be of any help should you decide to publish on Kindle in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Very best regards

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I'm just trying to bring it to people's attention now but it's difficult as many forums don't like self-promotion despite the fact people would probably be quite pleased to know about a (hopefully!)

You are correct, and this is one of those forums ! Self promotion will result in the post being taken down and a possible ban!

If the book is genuinely of interest to those in France may I suggest you contact the book page editor of  France magazine or Living France ?

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Sorry, Russethouse, I am a new user and thought my reply to Wrimo would result in an alert to him and the posting being way down the page and not very interesting to anyone else. I've sent him a personal message in case he doesn't see my previous message before it is removed.

Best regards

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The way it works is that everyone who is following this thread, or has contributed to it, automatically gets an 'alert' each time a new post is added. So far you are Ok, but please don't start mentioning the book......

BTW Did you look at Lulu for publishing actual books ?

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Hi again Russethouse

No, I looked at Smashwords but not Lulu. However, I've just had a look at Lulu so I will have a go at putting it on there too. I wasn't very confident about the technology when I first started but it's starting to seem less scary now! When I clicked 'publish now' it was very nerve-racking!

Have you any experience of Lulu or Smashwords?


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Earlier Sunday Driver said that purchased material could be "illegally shared with the rest of the world by using a torrent site" and whilst that is true it possibly creates the impression that this is the only method.

For the record though torrents, and so called Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks which use them, are but one of several methods employed in the distribution of copyright material. If you know how and where to look most material can be found as direct downloads.

AFAIK HADOPI concentrates on P2P file sharing and by doing so is largely ineffective in preventing illegal downloading as anyone with a mere modicum of net savvy in this area will know how to find and download what they want without the use of P2P.

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[quote user="St Tropez"]Hi again Russethouse

No, I looked at Smashwords but not Lulu. However, I've just had a look at Lulu so I will have a go at putting it on there too. I wasn't very confident about the technology when I first started but it's starting to seem less scary now! When I clicked 'publish now' it was very nerve-racking!

Have you any experience of Lulu or Smashwords?



I published a book for a friend via Lulu 3 years ago. Formatted it in Word, did the cover in Corel Draw and uploaded it and published it. Very easy.

Then last year, I produced a kid's book using InDesign, and converted it to a lulu friendly pdf before uploading and publishing that.

Lulu is very easy to use, and reasonably cheap as well.

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