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Mandat de Protection future


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Yes, if it is what I think it is, just get the notaire to draw it up and sign it in the presence of the future protector and protectee. He will explain that the range of the power, which can be limited and only activitated if a doctor says that that protectee is incompetent.

The notaire becomes involved as having a watching brief then has to see any accounts annually and is able to check that there is no other form of abuse, such as going beyond the remit.

The power is recorded and can be withdrawn by medical signature again as necessary. I think the cost is about €100 - €130 but not too sure as the notaire sent part of the money back again.

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Thanks woolly. It has occurred to us that if one of us became disabled with heart attack or even worse stroke paralysis it would enable the other to sell the house as and when. Joint bank account will deal with all the rest.
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Yes, it is meant for just such eventualities and to bypass the cumbersome old procedures. Just make sure that your notaire is fully familiar with the process as it is realtively new and they may not all have experience of it.

At the same time, I suggest you make wills which can be registered.

(sorry to be such a boring realist - now back to Bananalandddddddddddd whoppppeeeeeee)

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