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Who do they think they are?


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Whilst driving home yesterday afternoon, tearing up the country lane in my car,coming from the other direction around the corner were a couple of motorbikes, no doubt enjoying the sun.  Then a few more and this time they started waving a hand at me, it looked like they were either telling me to slow down or move over.  Then as I passed another bend, about 30 bikes came towards me, most of them waving hands and fists, riding 2 sometime 3 abreast.  To say I was cross is an understatement, how would they have felt if I were driving 2 abreast with another car?

I have done my fair share of motor biking, having ridden pillion to many destinations, including the IOM 3 times, but some bikers give bikers in general a bad name.

I refused to move over or slow down, if they had got in my path, then tough, they would have been eating dirt.

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[quote user="Dotty "]

I refused to move over or slow down, if they had got in my path, then tough, they would have been eating dirt.


Ruling out the obvious (ie: you were driving the wrong way up a one-way street, they were out raising money and delivering easter eggs to sick children during the holidays, raising money for a recently bereaved, etc etc......we do those things you know), they may have been trying to issue a warning of some sort to you, for YOUR safety.  Your refusal to slow down on this occasion may have been justified in this instance and only in hindsight, allowing you your little diatribe.  However on the next it may result in someone being hurt. Lets hope someone very very close to YOU is in the next group of motorcyclists you decide to drive at, and its them that get to eat dirt!!  Good luck

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Dotty, I don't think it was you personally they were aiming their anger at.

There were many bikers out over the weekend due to a massive bikers demo/protest in Paris and other large cities on Saturday, they may have had some connection, or been returning from, this...


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I'm pretty sure it wasn't aimed at me personally, though I fail to see why any group whether it be cyclists, horse riders or bikers feel they can take up the road,then expect car drivers to move over or slow down.

Whilst they may have just been issuing a warning, wouldn't it have been safer for all concerned if they had just ridden single file?  The lanes to my house are very twisty and are full of tractors most days, if they had met one of these, they wouldn't have had a chance to get out of the way.

Perhaps they should have had a little white van with convoy exceptionalle up front, like all of the other fat vehicles using the roads.

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I think that was the point they were trying to make Dotty, they want to have equality of road use with 4 wheel vehicles. I suspect, that as far as road safety was concerned, the lead riders were the look-outs for the two/three abreast riders behind.

Any kind of protest in France can often involved full or partial blockage of roads.  It promotes discussion [:$]

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As a motorcyclist I always feel obliged to spring to the defence of other motorcyclists, but I'm a cyclist and motorist too, so this puts me in an awkward position this time. In trying to take a neutral view, for I only have your version of events, were they perhaps just waving, and you interpreted it as hostile? Were they warning you of something further up the road, like a speed trap for example? Were they just being obnoxious, because unfortunately there are some of those too, just as there are aggressive car drivers (although I haven't met very many since leaving UK)? We'll never know now.

I have to assume that your question is rhetorical because plainly there is no way that any of us can answer it!

I would ask that you don't drive at other road users; you should drive defensively, and try and avoid confrontation for your own safety.

Happy motoring


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I wasn't really asking for answers, just more of sharing my experience.  I didn't drive at the bikers either, I was just going home minding my own business.  I wasn't speeding nor was I driving dangerously, just had my foot down and was getting on with it.  We have a lot of tractors where I live, so I'm always ready to brake hard to avoid collisions.  However, these bikers really did think they were king of the road and whilst I'm happy to share the roads with all forms of transport, I don't think it fair they should have taken up more than needed and then expect others to give up their bit as well.

As I said in my OP I have ridden many times on the back, so am aware of the dangers, but these guys just give biking a bad name.

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[quote user="Dotty "] I refused to move over or slow down, if they had got in my path, then tough, they would have been eating dirt. [/quote]

Perhaps you were hoping that we'd all be sympathetic? There are idiots out there, but you don't need to become one yourself. I suggest a less aggressive attitude, the roads here are wonderful, let's enjoy them.


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It's a culture thing in France.  French car drivers are very aware of motorcyclists and have high levels of tolerance.

On our group rideouts, we find that many drivers will pull into the right to let us pass them without crossing the centre white line.  They make it easy for us to squeeze through to the front of traffic jams, and at traffic lights, the leading cars will often hold back on the green light to allow us all to cut past and get away safely.  Truck drivers have even been known to ease across onto the hard shoulder to give overtaking motorbikes a bit of undisturbed air.....

As biking Gods, we rule the road.......[8-|]



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The "Tour de Sarthe" came past here at the weekend.  It was preceeded by about 50 vans, 100 motorbikes, followed by about 60 cyclists - 10 abreast in some cases!- then followed by about 60 support vehicles, 30 gendarmes on motorbikes and a couple of police cars at the back.  Then followed the 15 or so motorists who had no doubt been held up by said race.  I wouldn't have argued with them much if I had been coming the other way!

Like you, Benjamin, I love the way motorcyclists acknowledge you here.

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[quote user="sid"][quote user="Dotty "] I refused to move over or slow down, if they had got in my path, then tough, they would have been eating dirt. [/quote]

Perhaps you were hoping that we'd all be sympathetic? There are idiots out there, but you don't need to become one yourself. I suggest a less aggressive attitude, the roads here are wonderful, let's enjoy them.


No I didn't nor do I want sympathy, as I said, just sharing my view.

Yes there are idiots on the road and I don't intend becoming one of them.  I drive in a sensible manner and have never been stopped in the UK or anywhere else.  My license is clean and allways has been.

I wasn't being agressive and if my post came across that way, it wasn't meant to.  Perhaps you are preaching to tthe wrong person, I wasn't driving 2 abreast or shaking my fist/hand and I wasn't telling others how much of the road they could use.

Most French bikers are very polite, I allways move over, where I can as I know what its like to want to get a move on.  We have nearly missed our ferries many a time, so had to over take on more than one occasion.  I wouldn't dream of tring to stop a bike from passing, just don't want to be told by 30 or so coming the other way, to move on over.

As I said, who do they think they are?

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I was out today. I went round a right hand bend and saw this Renault driver coming my way, on my side of the road. He managed to cut accros to his side before he got to me.

If I see him do that again I'll ram him. He gives all Renault drivers a bad name.

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Hi Dotty ,

             How long ago was it you rode pillion ?  I only ask , because I'm looking at your photo posted on the left . Havn't seen one of those leather helmets since the thirties , although I do recall  SD saying he still wears his on occasions . However for your safety , and not to frighten the next bunch of bikers you come across , I suggest you up-grade to one of those pudding basin jobs of the fifties--- what do you think ?

             Regards socket

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Very funny Socket.

Was about 3 years ago, 'till other half had his bike nicked, but that's another story.

Before the kids it was all the time, spending a lot of holidays on the back of a bike.  I've been to the TT once and the Manx GP 3 times, so riding to Liverpool from Surrey was a numb bum inducer, imagine all those miles hanging onto the back of a Genesis with a very loud pipe, oh they were the days................


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I don’t know what it is that makes bikers react so strongly

to criticism of bikers. Maybe it’s because so many (not all)UK car drivers are

just so inconsiderate, unaware, and pig-ignorant of all other vehicles on the

road. Bikers (generally speaking) are excessively aware and very defensive

drivers. So when criticized about their riding it seems unusual and tends to

incur defensive reactions. If bikers were to write a post every time they

encountered a bad driver we’d need a whole new category on the forum and it

would a right busy one!  

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