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Custom bikes in France


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Bit of a problem here, need some clarification please.

Thinking of buying a custom Harley to take to our place in France, problem being that it does not have any indicators whatsoever on it.  Am I likely to get pulled by les flics because of this, and if so should I have handle-bar end indicators fitted?  Would this suffice or do I need to do anything else?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Born-again-biker  [8-|]

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If the Harley is to be UK registered, then unless it has approval for daytime only use and therefore not fitted with lights, then it must have indicators in order to comply with with UK Construction and Use regulations.

If it is to be French registered, then Code de la route Art R313-14 states:

I. - Tout véhicule à moteur ou toute remorque dont le poids total autorisé en charge est supérieur à 0,5 tonne doit être pourvu de feux indicateurs de direction à position fixe et à lumière clignotante. Ces dispositifs doivent émettre une lumière non éblouissante orangée vers l'avant et vers l'arrière.
II. - Les dispositions du I ci-dessus ne sont applicables ni aux cyclomoteurs ni aux quadricycles légers à moteur, sans carrosserie fermée, qui, toutefois, peuvent être munis de feux indicateurs de direction.

In summary, mopeds under 50cc do not need indicators.  Every other bike does.


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Come on Sid, give the guy a chance. He had top post in this section as there is not yet a tractor and farming section on this site.

removing the indicators from a Harley means that there is less to fall of the thing.

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And in answer to that - tongue in cheek naturellement - he does have a tractor as well.  With indicators and little flashing lights on top.[:P]

Thanks for the info.  He has now decided to opt for another Harley that has indicators already, so problem solved.

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[quote user="Framboise"]

And in answer to that - tongue in cheek naturellement - he does have a tractor as well.  With indicators and little flashing lights on top.[:P]

Thanks for the info.  He has now decided to opt for another Harley that has indicators already, so problem solved.


Why didn't you just say he has two Harley's [img]http://www.completefrance.com/cs/images/emotions/whistling.gif[/img] one with indicators...

Welcome Framboise where in France will you be with your HD ?

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The flamin' bike is certainly not mine!  Horrid greasy things!  My dad was what was termed a "Ton-up-Ted" back in the day so I grew up with the things, and anyway I don't like motorbikes as there is nowehere to put the shoe-shopping  and it messes your hair up [kiss]

It's going to be Hubby's little Dream Machine you see, the Easy Rider of 61 [8-|]  is what he intends to be although nearer the truth is that he will wheel it out of the barn,  polish it for hours, don his Heine Gerich jacket & silly trousers, the Crazy Frog helmet, start it up and then decide that the weather looks dodgy and put it back in the barn.   He did the same with the one he had before.   Now he has the bee-in-his-bonnet again about the stupid things......................... I attribute it to his being That Age where it seems like a good idea... Hm. I only hope he does not think of becoming Old Man Teutul from American Chopper when he gets the thing, otherwise it might get flattenned by a large orange Kubota driven by irate wife who - sadly - did not see it! 

Anyway a tractor is far more use to us, but if the Harley is "agricultural" perhaps I will attach a nice harrow on the back to scarify the garden for planting?   He will go nuts!!   Besides, didn't Honda or Yamaha start off building agricultural equipment oh and Masarati come to think of it? 

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