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Rider Etiquette in France

Wild Rover

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I just started riding in France last week and am curious to know what the typical rider-to-rider acknowledgements are over here? In the UK it is a friendly nod of the head (or at least outside of the big cities) so am curious to know what the etiquette is here? I've not ridden much here yet and have not noticed any acknowledgement from oncoming riders, but I noticed some passing riders on the Periph extend their right legs as they went past. After the first couple did this I assumed it was a friendly acknowledgement rather than just freeing up stiff limbs, but as I'm currently on English plates I also feared it could be some anti-rosbif gesture!!!!

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Thanks Suzie, very good! Perhaps you're right because on the occasions it happened to me I had moved in to let the riders past. So it's good to know it's not an anti-rosbif gesture then!  I'm still curious to know from other riders if there is any rider-to-rider acknowledgement as there is in the UK and elsewhere.
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The definative:

When approaching other riders from behind, an extended right leg is shown as you pass the other rider. (This is done because removing your right hand (throttle hand) from the bars is not a good idea)

This signal is, as previously stated, (by Suzie) extended to other vehicles moving over to allow you to safely pass.

When you have riders coming towards you the left hand is extended without waving. The lower your hand is extended, the 'cooler' it is. (I'm reliably told)[:D]

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[quote user="Bugbear"]The lower your hand is extended, the 'cooler' it is.[/quote]

With an extra cool point awarded if you include a two-finger V -- the victory one, rather than the Agincourt archer version, of course.

All your accumulated coolness is lost if you wave at a scooter.[;-)]

Extending the left leg can be given to a rider behind, to indicate that you are giving way to them.  You should never allow yourself to be put in this situation. [;-)]

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Thanks guys, I was out today and got my first couple of 'waves' from oncoming riders and was able to reciprocate accordingly, though with my thick winter gloves on I didn't waste my time trying to form any kind of 'V'! Could have sworn I saw some strange bloke with a glass eye winking at me though ;-)
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Personally, I favour the Roger Moore left eyebrow raise. Very subtle and sophisticated. Not to be confused with the Patrick Moore variety, which would probably remove the helmet.

I didn't know the left leg extension could be used to 'wave' other bikers past. I'll have to remember that one as I'm riding like a complete wimp at the moment.

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"All your accumulated coolness is lost if you wave at a scooter.Wink [;-)]"

But what about big scooters.....even I won't acknowledge those horrible little 50cc machines that try to cosy up to me at traffic lights. Mind you, I do so love to blow them off though!

I've been acknowledged by lots of bike riders, maybe they're French though (have more manners than Brits?).

By the way, today coming home from a weekend in Dinan I saw a guy on a goldwing driving while smoking a cigarette ( he was using an open faced helmet, mind you), but a bit weird all the same.


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~Aha !   I never thought I would have the opportunity to post in this section, but I am printing this off to show OH.    We always move over to right if bikes want to overtake.    OH has become totally paranoid about the leg waving stuff, and even though I TOLD him it must be a thank you, he continues to debate why they are doing it and how he has upset them !!

How nice it is going to be to be proved right (yet again !!!!).

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What a different attitude to the UK... I seem to spend half my time with right foot extended!

Problem is, sometimes you just want to pootle along, and then the guy driving the car in front climbs the bank to let you through...

Not polite to ignore it, so right foot out and go for it  - and then the next guy in the queue hits the gravel...

Before you know it you're blatting down the outside of a queue which is doing the mexican wave, your foot is miles from the back pedal and you're hoping the gendarmes are nicely tucked up in their quarters - and sometimes just wishing they would ignore you and just let you trolley along at 90k (or thereabouts...)!

But seriously, I can live with being seen and encouraged to go for it, better than the SMIDSY!

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