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This weather... !


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This is my first year living here in 17... I've got used to the light traffic, the cages climbing verges to let you through... but yesterday was 18+ degrees, no liner in my jacket (never removed it in the UK), lightweight gloves and a sunburned forehead... IN FEBRUARY. Please tell me this happens every year!

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Disappointed... but never mind!

At least I've stolen two great rides when I would otherwise have been groping my way to work through the grot and salt, peering out from my balaclava and waddling into the office like the Michelin man... !

The winter can't be too long, because I do remember late September heading for the Angouleme Circuits de Remparts when I worried about overheating, and positioning for shade outweighed positioning for cornering!

Utopia doesn't exist - but for a motorcyclist I can recommend Charente Maritime*!

* Please insert your own area to choice!

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