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Buying a trike in France


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My OH says that we can buy a trike, possibly a Harley Davidson.  Where do I start to look for one?  I googled but it only offered UK sellers.

I want it to be French registered and it can be new or second hand.  It does have to be blue (!) and have three seats.

Any advice on buying trikes will be welcome, e.g. do prices drop at the end of summer? do you have to have a special driving licence?

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There is a Trike dealer Cathy on the N10 just north of Poitiers at St Cyr. They are on the left as you travel north (American flags flying outside). I've not been in myself but they have several trikes on display.


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Thank you BB and SD.  It looks as if I shall have to do a trip to the "mainland" (the other side of the Gironde) and visit St Cyr, Bernay and Vire in a round trip.  I did like the 'Family Boom' (what a name) on the Vire site.

SD - how do you do the search?  Trike is the same word but what is dealership in French?  I want to see if there are any trike dealers in Bordeaux.

Does any other Forum member have a trike?

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[quote user="Tandem_Pilot"][quote user="Cathy"]

Does any other Forum member have a trike?


I'd love to, but at those prices - no chance ! [:(]


Cheaper than a sports car - and much more fun...

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I think you'd be better off with a sportscar ( and a motorcycle) - both better handling and the car can be used all year round. Probably better resale value and easier to sell.  Plus a lot safer and trikes have none of the advantages of a motorcycle and none of a car. Definately going to be more reliable than a wheezing old HD agricultural engine over 50 year old design. Plus you will not need to get any tatoos....
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If I had to do a trike


Having said that, I did post elsewhere a friend of mine who has been in a wheel chair for a few years now, and he has a very trick Harley that has retractable stabilisers


He also Danish Touring car champion!

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[quote user="just john "] mid life crisis coming on?[:D][/quote]

JJ - Who said that I was in mid life? [Www] I'm very young, according to my children.

Anyway, they want a trike as well.  We have an annual Show Bike here and it's great fun.


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Have they told you there are two good days when you get a trike? the day you drive it home and the day you sell it[:)] anyway no age limit for a mid life crisis, twenty-twenty to thirty-thirty[:D]

Ask them how cool is this blue sports car? it goes round corners better than a trike and when it rains you can put the hood up[8-|]


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[quote user="just john "]

Have they told you there are two good days when you get a trike? the day you drive it home and the day you sell it[:)] anyway no age limit for a mid life crisis, twenty-twenty to thirty-thirty[:D]

Ask them how cool is this blue sports car? it goes round corners better than a trike and when it rains you can put the hood up[8-|]



"blue sports car" in this case isn't that a oxymoron? Even a trike would go around corners better than that. The Hayabusa trike I posted even leans.........

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"blue sports car" in this case isn't that a oxymoron? Even a trike would go around corners better than that. The Hayabusa trike I posted even leans........



Hi Steve, each to their own and I can't wait to see Cathy in her stilettos on the trike[:)] but as regards the mustang they did have a few people push it round corners, Jack Brabham at Snetterton for one and Steve McQueen in Bullitt but I can't remember too many trike races?[8-)]


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[quote user="just john "]


"blue sports car" in this case isn't that a oxymoron? Even a trike would go around corners better than that. The Hayabusa trike I posted even leans........



Hi Steve, each to their own and I can't wait to see Cathy in her stilettos on the trike[:)] but as regards the mustang they did have a few people push it round corners, Jack Brabham at Snetterton for one and Steve McQueen in Bullitt but I can't remember too many trike races?[8-)]



I recall watching the saloon car racing from Crystal Palace,  (black and white footage that was on a sports programme, I was too young to see it live!!!) and I think it was Jack Sears in a Ford Galaxy, and someone in a Mustang pull out a huge lead down the straights, then being run circles around by a Fiat 500 around the corners! All down to handling, and most American sports cars don't handle, even the latest Camaro still has a live back axle and leaf springs on the back! If the old American tin does do well, it's usually down to the driver rather than the handling. I remember James Hunt winning the tour of Britain in 1973, he really had to throw his Z28 around.

Trike races?? They're called sidecar races aren't they!!!  There's some pretty awful trikes, usually painted matt black and with a Rover V8 and huge long handle bars, but there are also some, with Beetle engines and proper engineering that are very impressive, just not my thing.

Jason (the guy with the Harley with retractable stabilizers) tried a trike with wheel chair access, but he said he felt perched in the air and so commisioned the bike I posted, but still a trike still lets you have the sense of freedom, and ultimately, that is what it's all about. Now, about these stilettos???!!!

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[quote user="just john "]

Ahem, Cath, 1, (every one in Bristol shortens names to single syllables[:)]) point proved; they don't go round corners![:P] 2, Great stiletto!, I believe they usually come in pairs, how you gonna get all the kids in.?[8-)]

Steve, I think it was probably a Fifat 600 Abarth bit quick but no much room for the family.[8-|]


That would be right, 500 shell, Abarth 600 engine. The only difference between the standard 500 and the Abarth ones, apart from the engine, was the boot lid propped open for for cooling, and the fibreglass front bumper with in built oil cooler, I had one, the best driving fun I can recall!!

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