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Translation for Attestation to be used in court


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[quote user="Suandpete"]Hi

Can anyone help me please with a definitive translation of the following:

Lien de subordination a leur egard de collaboration ou de communaute d'interets avec les parties.

(It has been provided to me as above - with no accents.)

Many thanks



    I think it means "relationship with them whereby they are obliged to take instruction from them, or working with them for a common goal, or having any shared  interests with them".    I expect you will know who "they" are. It seems to be a declaration of interest which might influence evidence given to the court.

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French courts regard testimony by relatives, etc as being of doubtful weight and possibly reflecting more an interest in support rather than an expression of truth. The verbalese in an attestation reflects this to an extent. Testimony from a completely independent witness will carry more weight.

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Nouveau Code de Procedure Civile Art 202.

Telling porkies can be expensive.[;-)]

Sachant que l’attestation sera utilisée en justice, et connaissance prise des dispositions de

l’article 441-7 du code pénal, réprimant l’établissement d’attestation faisant état de faits

matériellement inexacts, ci-après rappelées :

“Est puni d’un an d’emprisonnement et de 15.000 €s d’amende le fait d’établir une

attestation ou un certificat faisant état de faits matériellement inexacts”.

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