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Life assurance query


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Do French life insurance companies tell you if they have cancelled your policy?

It's a bit of a long saga.

When we moved we had a pret relais which combined the two mortgages and we took out a new life insurance policy arranged through the mortgage company.

When the pret relais finished and the mortgage debt was drastically reduced, I contacted the mortgage company to ask if the amount of life insurance premium would be reduced too, as we were now covered for less.

The mortgage company contacted the insurance company and their email communication forwarded onto me. The insurance company stated that they were unaware that the pret relais had been partially repaid and the two of them were going to sort it out. We heard nothing else and forgot all about it until this week.

On checking the bank statements to see if the figure had been adjusted, it appears that the company has not taken their monthly payment for quite some time. We pay by prelevement mensuel and it has not been stopped by us.

One explanation could be that we had over paid and they are giving us a payment holiday, but I don't really think this is the case.

I am wondering if the insurance company think that we repaid the whole mortgage rather than a large chunk of it.

We have not had any notification that the policy has been cancelled and obviously I hope we are covered. If we have to pay for the missing months, it will be quite a sum. But, as they haven't been taking the money from our account, would the policy have paid out if one of us had shuffled off this mortal coil?

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