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Partial conformity, next stage?


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Got my partial conformity for my Kawasaki from Kawasaki France stating that it is just my headlight that is the problem. I have since got a new one here and fitted it myself - I am now wondering what the next step is to getting it registered here? I also have my certificat d'acquisition from the Impots.

I have done some searching around but I am not completly clear - do I have to take the bike to be inspected with the receipts for the part etc or is it a case of going to the prefecture now or even a bike dealer to check it? Thanks in advance.
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Your partial CoC should identify the areas requiring attestation. Visit your local DRIRE with all the paperwork and they should 'tick all the boxes' for you. It costs, of course.

When done its off to the prefecture with fingers crossed.
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Thanks for that, I have never had dealings with the DRIRE, I take it I will have to get the bike to them for the inspection, by appointment only I suppose? Looking on the net, the nearest one to me in dept 17 is either Niort (40 mins) or Perigny (a bit further), mmm could be a problem, brit reg with no ins/mot!
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Looks like a trailer is the only way to stay legal then.

In all honesty now that you have the Quittas Fiscal from the tax office you could insure with a French company and ride it there. I believe that you have a month to sort it after the date of the QF. I am sure SD will be along soon to correct me if I am wrong.

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Oh, no good for me as the QF is much older than a month. Anyone had any success transporting a bike in a standard trailer (2mX1.3m), bike only has a side-stand, would need numerous straps!! Is it possible? Sounds scarey.
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Put bike on sidestand, on trailer.

Fasten strap between sidestand and front wheel. (to prevent it folding back)

Fit two straps from handlebars pulling forward and down.

Fit two straps from the frame at the rear pulling back and down.

Tighten all straps to give a small load on the suspension.

Job done.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd be inclined to sort out some insurance then run the bike around to Sport Moto Loisirs which is the main Kwak dealer based at 430 ave de Limoges in Niort.  They are also an approved professional, able to issue cartes grises under the SIV registration scheme.

Show them the documents you've put together ready for registration, point out the partial attestation, show them the bill for the replacement headlamp and ask them whether the bike now complies with the code de la route and is OK for registration. 

When they confirm that it does, now ask them if they can help you out by doing the registration for you......[;-)] 


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  • 11 months later...
Me back again, I know nearly a year later. Very busy but finally got round to fixing the bike so it runs ok, got myself off to Niort to Sport Moto Loisirs (thanks SD), they had a look at the docs but said I would have to go to the DRIRE.

So off to them in Niort, the guy who normally deals with it was not there but the helpful lady photocopied all the docs and said she would pass them on but to someone in dept 17 where I live.

A few weeks later I get a letter from DREAL (Perigny) saying 'Voir concessionnaire KAWASAKI pour un bridage de la puissance moteur a 100cv (73 KW). Fournir une attestation.' which I understand as them wanting me to go to a KWAK dealer to get them to restrict the motor down to that level.

I am confused - firstly when I got my partial conformity from Kawaski they only queried the headlight not the power. Secondly in my manual that came with the bike when new it says it is 98bhp and the 'Description du vehicule marque Kawasaki Type ZRT10C' from Kawasaki France says in the General section : 'Puissance declaree de la motocyclette : 73,4 KW, and also in the Moteur section : Puissance nette maximale declaree du moteur : 78 KW (CE).

Very confused now, are the DREAL in Perigny being very fussy or have they missed something? Which KW figure is the important one? If it is 73.4, are they really worried about the .4 over?

Sorry to drag it out, but I just want my bike on the road now! Any thoughts?

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A motorcycle is defined as a "véhicule à deux roues à moteur ne répondant pas à la définition du cyclomoteur et dont la puissance n'excède pas 73,6 kilowatts (100 ch)".  The power rating is the puissance nette maximale en kW - shown as P.2 on the carte grise.

In your case, the bike's puissance net maximale is 78kW, so they are telling you to take it to your Kwak dealer to have it restricted down to 73kW then send them an attestation from the dealer confirming that this has been done.


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Thanks for that, not really what I wanted to here. Must admit all along I thought, hey I will be alright with my bike as it is only 98bhp!

By the way, its a ZRX1100, any idea what Kawasaki will have to do to it to bring it down? It only seems a slight reduction, will I notice it much?
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