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Union Flag ban for public places in France !

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I suppose it is one way to ensure France never gets awarded the chance of holding another international sport event - will probably B****r a few Basque supporters of the TdF in the Pyrennees as well.  Let alone the Dutch Begian and German ones
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Why does the Daily Mail get such bad press yet a rag like "The Connexions" is taken as gospel?

I draw your attention to the journalists repeated use of the word "could"

WAVING or displaying foreign flags in France could become an offence if an amendment is passed by MPs. 

If the amendment is voted through, waving a foreign flag in public without prior permission could be punishable by a fine of up to €1,500.

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Chancer - don't think anyone is taking it as 'gospel' but thanks for the reading lesson - just another nutty French politician on the loose!

Here's a link to the story in Midi-Libre back in January - looks like it's old news : http://www.midilibre.com/articles/2011/01/24/A-LA-UNE-Un-depute-UMP-veut-reglementer-l-usage-des-drapeaux-etrangers-dans-les-lieux-publics-1517434.php5

Oh and btw - the Daily Mail doesn't even make it into the 'rag' category!

Simon :-)


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