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Photo Techniques

Dick Smith

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The photo section is amazingly popular, and there are some ideas emerging in which people are giving advice.

This thread is a place to post advice on techniques, both in the camera and in processing, to help others get even more pleasure from their pictures.

Please be positive and sensitive if discussing or constructively criticising other people's work. Praise, however, is always welcomed!

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Removing stuff from photos using Photoshop.

Briefly get the picture and enlarge until you can see the individual pixels.

Grab the Clone Tool (it looks like a rubber stamp)

Right click to choose a size (3 is about right)

Hold down 'Alt' and left click on a nearby area of similar colour.

Go over the area to change and use the left click in a sort of dabbing action.

It is not easy with multi-coloured backgrounds but just keep at it. 


Should be good.

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In general, good photo composition follows exactly the same rules as painting. The most basic rule is that of thirds. In order to do this imagine a grid on the camera viewscreen consisting of 2 horizontal lines drawn across and 2 down the screen dividing it into nine squares. The image will have much more interest and seem much more balanced if the key points of the image are placed at the intersections of these lines, or at points along them.

In this picture the main point of interest is the cat's eyes (it always is, in any portrait) and they are roughly on the horizontal top third line. The bar of the fence balances this on the bottom third line.


The lines do not have to be exactly drawn - in this picture the thirds are a bit stretched, but the trees which frame the picture at the sides dominate the vertical thirds, the skyline and the line of furniture the horizontal.


Here the boat lies on the lower third line with the stern at the left third/lower third intersection. The direction of the boat leads the eye into the picture ~ which as it consists mostly of mud isn't too interesting a journey!


For a much better description of the process, see here.

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[quote user="Wilko"]


Have a photo in P/shop to which I would like to add a few words. Can't seem to work out to do it. Any help gratefully received.


Have your picture on the screen and click on the letter 'T' on your left. Move your cursor on to the picture and click. You can then type what you want to. When done click and drag to exactly where you want it to be and at the same time, with the words highlighted you can change the font style , size and colour.

Job done.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]Just a little tip, don't go for a drive with your camera on the passenger seat and leave the memory card in your computer![:D][/quote]

Dog said:

...or leave your battery in the charger.....

I've done both.  Not a pretty sight. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want to understand how to take formal portraits have a look at the work of John Singer Sargent (sp). IMHO one of the best artists in this field.  That chap Rembrant knew a thing or two about the use of light. For me there is only one software package and that is PhotoShop CS2. Can be expensive but upgrades are reasonable from Amazon. I use film but I find digital useful to check the lighting in the studio. If you want quality then it still has to be film. Many of the quality mags still want MF or LF transparencies.


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