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It says, and I quote "this program requires at least 3MB of virtual memory to run".  I am told I can re-adjust a setting to accept it, but in words of someone who is on this site I believe "Intel Inside, Idiot Outside".  So if you know the answer please remember you are talking to a complete computer numpty [:D] [:$]
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OK - thanks - I'll watch this space [:D]

He is a cutie. 

From having no cats to wanting one, I got two and now I have six.  Two domestics (Harley & Davy) and 4 wild (Missy - mum cat - Boysey, Marlene and Podge - identical triplets).  Podge is the only one who stays in while Davy and the other kits go hunting, tree climbing and general mischief making together.  Davy and the kits in photo forum under pets.  

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Hi SuninFrance, before trying this please set a restore point....

  1. Right-click on the My Computer icon.
  2. Choose Properties. The System Properties window opens.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. Find the Performance group box.
  5. Click the Settings button. The Performance Options window opens.
  6. Click the Advanced tab.
  7. The amount of Virtual Memory you are using is displayed near the bottom of the window.
  8. Click the Change button. The Virtual Memory window opens, which

    lists each drive on the computer and how much Virtual Memory you have

    on each drive.
  9. Try initial settings of Initial: 400 and Maximum: 768.
  10. Click Set.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Close the windows             


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See, I said someone would know!

We don't have any cats any more, it wouldn't be fair as we are away so much, though I'd love one or two. We get visited by the neighbours semi-wild cats in France, but they are very jittery and at least one seems to have been badly knocked about - run over, I imagine. They enjoy the fact that we often eat outdoors!

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Hi Jan,

    you could try letting the system decide the sizes by clicking that selection, may work...I have to go out right now but I will look in later and you may have had some more advanced help by then, if not I will continue to search for a solution for you.[:)] Good luck

best regards


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Hi Jan,

    I have found this, I downloaded the file and have scanned it everyway I can for nasties and found it to be clean, the company BDAG produces e-books and is Welsh I think so you need to be wary knowing some of the guys on this forum..[;-)][:D]


Please set a restore point before you run it, I know it refers to Director 6 but it still may help with your problem, worth a try?  Good Luck

best regards


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