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Garden Ponds - any Regulations?


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Considering the strict rules for swimming pools which have come into force in recent years (did they suddenly become more dangerous, simply more prolific, or is UK nanny culture spreading?)

Does anyone know of any rules to consider before constructng a small, shallow garden pond?

Fngers crossed - I don't need an ornamental pond with covers or alarm systems, surrounded by a child proof fence !

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None whatsover!

Do not however forget that a toddler can drown in a few inches of water. This site has useful info on ponds and their dangers


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[quote user="Polly"]

Do not however forget that a toddler can drown in a few inches of water.


Other people's children are other people's problems.

Glad to see that I don't have to fence off my planned pond - thanks for that news.


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We have a large pond in our garden, which was there when we bought the place, and I was a bit worried when our grandchidren came to stay as, if anything , they're more dangerous than swimming pools.

In this part of the SW most gardens have a pond like ours - they were excavated to obtain the clay which was then made into blocks and dried out to use in building.

But a marvelous  environment for wildlife. And used as an "abreuvoir" for farm animals.

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