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Images from India


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I am a Bombay based photojournalist who specializes in covering people, cultures, and travel. My love affair with words and images spans a decade. I am currently working on a photo essay that explores the symbiosis between the rivers of India, and communities that live along it.


To see my country through my eyes visit:





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Fantastic photos Sunil.  Must show them to my husband who is Indian (though born in London) and who won't take me to India on holiday as he claims it is 'boring'.  I think this is because the only times he has been - as a youngster - he spent the whole times visiting aunties.  It doesn't look 'boring' to me!
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  • 4 weeks later...

Sunil! your photos are really fantastic!

I had a quick stop over in India on my way to Thailand in December 2004. Here are a few photos that I took, not as nice as yours, but I thought I would share them with friends on the forum just the same.








and many more!... On this 6 weeks long trip I took over 1000 photos... Easily done with a digital camera, no longer the worries of having all of that developped at vast cost!..... 


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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Beautiful work, Sunil, especially the informal portraits.

I'm getting fed up with all you talented people!  Not really - just envious of your skill.

Dick! don't put yourself down!... I am sure you have some gems piled up in shoeboxes or have you gone modern and digital [:D]

I was always told that I took horrible pictures, so the trusty old fashion SLR Pentax my OH owned was always firmly in his hands wherever we went. Until the kids showed me how to use a digital camera and I saw that I could afford one ...and here we are!.... I have sort of gone clickclick mad though and I think... I understand/know why the Pentax was always out of my reach.....

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Shoeboxes! Whole trunks...

Yes, now digital*, but I never seem to have the time to do anything interesting, or when I do, it rains! I'm also completely overshadowed by my son who is a stunning photographer. Perhaps I'm just jaded, but I do love seeing other people's work, especially when it is as good as we see here. I know photography forums where forumbers' work doesn't come close.

*Lots of Nikon 35mm kit now available at low, low prices!

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