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Springtime Shots


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We've had loads of brilliant photos in the Wintry Shots thread, so I thought I's start off a Springtime one as it has been 20 degrees in the shade this afternoon here in the northwest corner of the Dordogne.  We've had an explosion of Processionary Caterpillars and the bees are feeding off the Chaenomoles flowers:




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What a lovely photo that was going to make, the cat lying on the bonnet of my parked car with the Magnolia in the background.  He just lay there while I opened the car door, found my camera, got it ready, then just as I was about to snap...   [:D]



But you can still have the Magnolia   [:)]



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A fortnight ago (can't believe a fortnight has gone by already!) I was staying with Twinkle at her home near Puylaurens. After a night on the tiles [6] [B] [Www]  I woke up and opened the windows to be greated by this :


Isn't that a fantastic sight to wake up to [:D]

Then last weekend I arranged with my daughter who was in Saint Etienne that we met in Lyon for Mothering Sunday. This was taken in the gardens outside the Saint Celestin theater in Lyon. The magnolia trees lined 2 sides of this garden and it was so lovely to look at all of them in full bloom, the colours went from dark pinks to various lighter shades of pinks to white :


At one moment a small child was walking by with his parents and grand-parents, and holding a little bunch of coucou flowers. Unfortunately his little hands weren't big enough to hold them all and where he had walked, a trail of flowers was left....


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[quote user="Suze"]We've had loads of brilliant photos in the Wintry Shots thread, so I thought I's start off a Springtime one as it has been 20 degrees in the shade this afternoon here in the northwest corner of the Dordogne.  We've had an explosion of Processionary Caterpillars and the bees are feeding off the Chaenomoles flowers:



Sorry that I haven't posted earlier, but I have only just found the thread....

Hi Suze, I hope that you didn't go too close or touch the catapillars. They are not user friendly. Everyone with a dog have a look at the photo and if you see them at the very least keep your dog, or cat, away from them. They have a nasty habit of enticing dogs to try to eat them. If your dog does then get it to a vet fast. The alternative is that it will probably die a very nasty death. If you woulld like more details then please e-mail or PM me.

Sorry to put a damper on lovely photos, but this, in my thoughts, is very importaint...

I too love the spring and the lovely flowers and butterflies it brings.

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Thanks jonzjob, it's always good to spread the word about these innocent looking creatures, but they didn't live too long after the photo was taken [;-)] I had just got back from collecting the children from school and my husband spotted them and left me a trail of A4 sized warning signs all over the place (so that I could deal with them!)

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