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Which Camera?


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  • 4 weeks later...

I use a FujiS7000.

Always had an SLRPentax old fashion 35mm. Truly : my OH had! as I was never allowed [:(] to take pictures with it on account that they were awful as in badly composed and shaky and uniteresting subjects therefore deemed a waste of film! What is uninteresting about taking pictures of your children when they are little, their first steps, their first tooth, their first school uniform,etc....

One day the kids showed me how to use a digital camera and goodbye Pentax!... I bought a FujiS7000 off a colleague at work. I didn't want to splah out on anything fancy in case I didn't get on with it too good. Anyway took the camera on my long trip to the far east in Dec2004 and well... you've seen some of the results on the various photography threads.

My son took a shine to this camera and asked if he could borrow it for photographing rocks and geological formations etc... for his degree course. Fine Darling but take extra care of it pleeeze!! ... He loved it so much that he took it with him on his travels and on his first job after Uni and it has now become his property.... Well used I am told as I get some Emailed pictures from time to time.....

Did try few other models but just wasn't comfortable with it...so I had to troll on Ebay to find a replacement and it took me the best part of a year to find it but now I have got one and it is MY [:D] property!...

Hands off kids!!

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