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Hello from Paris!

Sab in Paris

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Hi There,

I'm new here - I'm a Paris street photographer and wondered if this would be a good place to post a few pics from time to time.

I'm currently playing around with my little iPhone as a challenge to push myself to be creative even with basic equipment.

I also write words to go with them, as a sort of Paris chronicle. I'd love to know what anyone thinks, many thanks!

By the way, I can't get the image to show, but you can find it on my blog, sorry, I tried for an hour!

iPhone Photo Blog: http://paris-and-i.parissetmefree.com/

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I use flickr as well

copy the html code from the photo on flickr

the picture code must look like this (without the spaces)

[ I M G ]http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5259/5549121767_8b62d848fb.jpg[ / I M G]

and when you take the spaces out of the [ I M G } and [ / I M G ]

you get this


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OK, well here goes nothin'!

Today's 'Paris and I' photo might possibly look something like...


And it just doesn't want to do it!

And my final attempt for today..!


(And I'm not the one putting in all that )
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You have too much there.

You only need

[ I M G ]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-UTNbwle01Mo/TYi7DsqWRkI/AAAAAAAACZ0/BNvIZONQKLI/s400/IMG_5622.JPG[ / I M G]

take out the spaces


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You only need to cut and paste the location with IMG at the front and /IMG at the end :-)   (in square brackets - I have to take them out, otherwise you won't see what I'm telling you)

So what you need is this  http://www.parissetmefree.com/images/misc/q_400.jpg

with [/IMG] at the front without the /

and [/IMG] at the end with the /

and you get this

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Hi Again Alex - many thanks for all your help. I'm not such a dimbo ;-) , and I've done exactly what you've said (and what it said in the instructions) from the start, but somewhere along the line it turns into what you see in the forum. Don't waste any more time on it - I'll keep trying from time to time until I work it out!

Cheers, and hope you have time to look at my Paris photos anyway :-D

Sab in Paris
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I wonder if you are using a Mac, Sab?

Not that I know anything about the technicalities, but I am currently using one and find that when I use Safari as a browser I cannot insert "live" links to other webpages, or even quote a preceding message from the forum. When I switch to Firefox browser, I can.

I am sure someone will be along in a minute to say that it should not make the slightest bit of difference in your case though.

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Hi Angela, no I use a PC, oh, and thanks for taking the time to comment on my picture posing problems :-D

I thought I would have been well into discussing photography by this time but it was not to be!

I've never had problems doing this anywhere else, and I swear I type it just as I'm supposed to. Probably haven't clicked something somewhere or other. I'll work it out. Thanks again!

Oh, I should probably mention that the photo DOES show up in the preview view...
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Ahh, Russethouse... if only I had any sort of icon - this would be some small comfort. as it is... there is nothing. Just a plain white box surrounded by more plain white desert, into which I'm typing my tired tirades...

Weirdly though, I see that my last image DID show up! I only put the image link in there though - nothing else at all, which isn't very interesting. Thanks for the comment :-D
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