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The forthcoming year....

Chris Head

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Most people are pretty realistic about what they can achieve within their own constraints

But what are the constraints Albert? The question is purely a philosophical (for want of a better word) one about the creative 'constraints' that folk put on themselves, thereby, as I understand it, identifying their own 'abilities' and blocking their minds to work they think is beyond them. I'm not talking about physical or logistical contraints.

and most underestimate what they could do if pushed

Very true Albert, many fear being pushed or pushing themselves in case they fail.

Please don't flatter yourself that I have the time or inclination to attempt to read your mind Dick.

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Sorry, Chris, I can't accept that.

You have posted a series of unfounded assumptions about my mental and motivational state, apparently based on some idea you have that you are more perceptive than the rest of us. You clearly have a problem with me - perhaps because I don't fawn to you and your weird posts. Like others I am concerned at the state you seem to be in sometimes when you post. You have an idea that unless someone shares your rufty-tufty views there is something wrong with them. And I'm the one with a big gob?

edit - I've just realised what this is about - several posters replied to me and JJ - they weren't talking about you any more! Yet another thread that just has to be about you...

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Firstly, gentlemen, please stop being so silly.

Secondly, I've worked in a number of disciplines, but for now I'll talk about photography (the obviously 'creative' on of the set).

I studied & qualified & earned my living as a professional photographer; that took up about half my working life. I've taken so many pictures for so many reasons I think I can be accounted an 'expert' in that field. However, I know my own limitations. I can be very creative at finding ways to achieve a result, but when it comes to visualising the result, creating an image in my head and then making it visible to others I am not in the same league as a lot of good amateurs.

The URL below is for some of the work of a bloke I went to college with. I can tell you exactly how he produced some of those images, but I know I can't match his creativity in this way.


Quite apart from aptitudes there's also the effect of knowledge. For a semi-engineering pursuit like furniture making it is very easy for someone who has a little knowledge to design and build something that will fall apart because its structural design doesn't work. Or else they'll over strengthen everything and end up with a clumsy, lumpish object.

Any of the practical, craft skills have similar constraints. Aestheticsa are constrained by practicalities. Creativity is (partly) constrained by knowledge and physical facility.
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Dick, I'm assuming absolutely nothing about your mental or motivational state, I'm not sure how you come to that assumption? I was/am simply trying to explore a point that I find interesting, a question that affects many who try and better themselves every time they pick a tool up, whatever level they might be on. The question is the same now as it was when I first asked it.

You have an idea that unless someone shares your rufty-tufty views there is something wrong with them

That is characteristically presumptious and patronising Dick. Is there something wrong with opinions that in your view are 'rufty-tufty' (not quite sure what that means anyhow), your lack of tolerance of folk who don't have your written, grammatical or analytical skills has become legendary Dick, in short you bully many posters by bamboozling and railroading them with sweeping statements and false accusations, two examples of which are above. I couldn't give a stuff what you or anybody else thinks of my mental condition, your opinion is neither sought nor required.

 It's about time you learned to latch onto what it is folk are trying to communicate, taking into account their personalities and abilities to write, try and think a little more laterally, accept that there are many differing lifestyles, proffessions, mentalities etc on this forum.

I don't mind batting with you Dick but perhaps you'd prefer to take this to pm, unless you need the audience?

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I honestly prefer doing other things in my spare time like playing with my daughter not arguing with people I've never met before[:)]


Please stop this now - it's tiring and you have been trying to get an argument out of Dick all afternoon I know 'cos' I've been watching what has become a very silly thread.  He wasn't rising to the bait but you kept on until he bit and now you're playing the innocent again.

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]Chris!

Please stop this now - it's tiring and you have been trying to get an argument out of Dick all afternoon I know 'cos' I've been watching what has become a very silly thread.  He wasn't rising to the bait but you kept on until he bit and now you're playing the innocent again.


I thought it was very clearly expressed. You do it all the time, Chris. Why not stop?

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