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The latest project is a Carrom board. Sometimes known as Indian Billiards. The playing surface is 75 cm square with draughts like men to hit and skate across the surface and with a bit of luck the correct ones fall in the holes!

18mm exterior ply, the interior stuff was rubbish, with the pattern drawn with Indian Ink and painted with thin acrylic paint. No chance of inlaying the pattern because the board has to be completely flat and smooth..


The frame is iroko. Horrible stuff to work, but looks really good and has good bounce. The corners are ironwood, the stuff that don't float and as hard as hell, with an inlay of French box wood. It hides all sorts of sins! I have even made the nets that go under the holes, that was good fun and I have now got a bamboo netting needle. Dead easy to do that bit.. I was quite surprised that the main knot used in net making is the sheet bend, nice and easy![:-))]



I have turned the carrom men and the striker  from French box too with the striker bought up to the correct weight by turning it hollow, inserting lead shot and turning a top to complete the job. I'm waiting for the Danish oil (thanks again Pads!!) to dry so I can play with it!!

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Fly!! I can only just pick the blasted thing up!! The frame was given to me by one of our French friends. It had been cut by a menuisier and the ends were NOT 45 deg. It was real fun getting them near and not shortening them too much!

How is your flying going? Done much lately or is it too cold/wet/windy for you power fliers [6][6][6]?? I hope to meet up with the guys from my old club when we go back to the U.K. for my son's wedding in Feb. By coincidence (?) we will be there for the Feb club meeting, so I might just show my fizzog there and have a couple of halves with them? Well they still hold the meetings in my old local! I'll see if I can sneak a model into the car to take too?

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

How is your flying going? Done much lately or is it too cold/wet/windy for you power fliers


Coming along nicely, although my instructor (friend) says I'm now at the vunerable stage (too cocky [:D]). All I asked was after my first couple of successful take-offs and landings, could I do a low-inverted fly past with a slow victory roll to follow.[:D][:D]

Feb visit sounds like a good excuse to do some catching up.

Take care



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Too cocky!! Nothing in it, is this you above??

But if you want to get really low then why not jump over it?


That's a bouncy foam flying wing thing called a Jazz. Flies quite well..

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  • 2 weeks later...

You do yourself a disservice JJ...ten minutes and I'd be wondering how it could be done with chainsaw!

Yep, one step at a time...this wee range is comfortably devoid of humankind this time of year...


.....and this weird looking structure is great for training, up and down the stairs two at a time and twice, gets people wondering if you're having a coronary. I've now developed an unhealthy obsession with wanting to abseil it...it's gotta be worth the jailtime just for the memory! Only trouble is sneaking the gear past security!


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