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I had a couple of bits of mahogany and some French box. I have been trying to decide what they would be best as and this is what I tried. I haven't done and thread making on wood before even though I have a thread cutting kit. The mahagony was twice the thickness I wanted and my trusty band saw won't cut that size, so I used my circular saw to cut round the perifery and a hand saw and wedge to cut/split the rest. Bloomin hard work, but a good result. I now have the ware-with-all for another [:D]...


The thread cutting was the easy bit as it turned out. As I was putting the finishing touches to the upper plate I moved the spindle gouge away and left from the spinning wood and there was an almighty BANG. I hadn't moved far enough out and I caught the edge of the tray. A piece about 5 inches long came hurtling off and after the finish of the expelled adreniline, funny smell too, I said 'golly gosh' at least 3 times. It's wonderful what you can do with superglue init? The bit went back in again and  left it overnight to dry completely. You can't see the join now as they say!


I'm really pleased with the result. I just hope that I'm allowed some cakes some time soon [6]??

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I just can't believe your language JJ, "G***y gosh" indeed,   very non pc the use of 'g***y'.  You should practice saying things like 'Oh F***' that seems to be much acceptable these days. [:)]

Nice piece of turning though, finish straight off the tool was it? No sanding ?

 You deserve lots of sticky buns.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]I once turned a lathe on with the chuck key still in.

Hit me between the eyes and then bounced off through a window.

It's amazing the momentum, isn't it?


OUCH [:'(] I bet that hurt.

The good thing about it is you only do it once !!!!!!!

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PC? Wots a Police Constable got to do with this Steve?? Your alternate is along the lines of the shepard when there was a wolf around. He was heard to say "Let's get the flock out of here"!!

Just as well it was yer 'ead Dick or it could have done some damage [:-))][6]??

The bill was literally insult to injury me-thinks? I did the same thing with my bench drill. The chuck key now has a knot in the nylon cord holding it to the drill. Didn't do any damage though. The only time that I have had anything pet go big time was a bowl, about 8 inch diameter, and the biggest bit went straight through the window about 2 feet away. Lucky for me it was wide open and the car wasn't in the firing line. I didn't care about being PC then either!

49.9 Steve? Well we hit 49 here today beside the pool. It meant that we had to stay in there longer just to keep cool[8-|]. This retirement is utter hell, but I suppose that someone has to suffer the slings and arrows of what ever it is you suffer the slings and arrows of?[8-)] You said that you have to stop work at 50? Funnily enough that's when I stopped work and IBM gave me early retardment (or something like that?).

Edit :- Of course the finish was straight off the tool. The particular tool may have been a 1 1/2 inch abrasive disk on the flex drive from my drill though [geek], but a tool is a tool [B].

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

49.9 Steve? Well we hit 49 here today beside the pool. It meant that we had to stay in there longer just to keep cool[8-|].


Shade temperature ????????????????

If its that hot in France I might just as well stay here. No pool in France.

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Your cake stand has come up trumps JJ. Hope her indoors appreciates all the effort - especially the finishing!!! Jokes aside, it is a great job, colour & proportions are perfect. Well done. Good ole superglue! I keep a small bottle in the fridge for all those emergencies. It has a wonderful ability to be stick like crazy & be totally invisible to boot. A coat of sanding sealer & few laps with lathe polish & hey presto not a crack in sight. I have just set up my planer/thicknesser & table saw that I bought in UK a year ago. Had to finish most of the renovation bits to make space for them in my diddy little workshop (about 25m2). Next is to get the lathe up & running as I have quite a few turning jobs waiting to be done.  My wood collection is growing along with my TO DO list, time has come to sort them both out.

Great stuff, keep it up.  [:D]

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Thank you Postie. I actually bought a gallon of cellulose sanding sealer back when we went to the U.K. for my sons wedding in Feb. Wonderful stuff and I haven't managed to find it here!

Keeping superglue in the fridge is a well kept secret that I have practiced, to the OHs horror, for ages now. It certainly keeps it fresh for a lot longer. A load of folks don't know that it was first designed for and used by the USA army to stick damaged soldiers together when they were shot up in Vietnam and that's why it sticks fingures to everything unsuspecting so very well! (not-a-lot-a-people-know-that?)

Good luck with your workshop. Mine is only a little bigger than yours at about 35 m2 (and I don't say that to all the girls either?)

My next to-do is to have a quick dip before bed, so good night all!

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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="Jonzjob"]A load of folks don't know that it was first designed for and used by the USA army to stick damaged soldiers together when they were shot up in Vietnam and that's why it sticks fingures to everything unsuspecting so very well! (not-a-lot-a-people-know-that?)


my 1st introduction to superglue was someone I knew who used to stick his dog together with it...

Seemed a bit bizarre at the time - but then I read up on it :)
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