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[quote user="hastobe"]Don't let the thread loop any longer than about 4 stitches and always work left to right otherwise you'll end up with it looking uneven and messy.


Thank you Cat for shrinking the thread (ha! ha!) and thank you Kathie for the info regarding threads.  I shall carry on!

There was a bloke staying here last night who looked a bit funny when he saw what I was doing but heck, that's his problem, not mine!

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you're in great company actually.  there used to be a bishop in leicester (can't remember his name, unfortunately) who did wonderful embroidery!  if the old boy has departed this world, he is probably doing some quite celestial designs by now

good luck

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The back should look neat - depending on the actual design.  If there are large blocks of colour in the design they could nearly be hung the wrong way round, but if they are really fiddley (with 20 odd colours in a square inch!!) the back tends to look like an explosion in a coloured spaghetti factory!! 

If you can pass the needle below the other threads, on the back, it tends to keep it neater.

Do post some pics - I'd love to see how you're getting on!! [:D]

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Oh dear. I would not say the back looks neat.  [:(]

But I don't have any large blocks of colour  - it's a bit complicated. To me, any way. [8-)]

Here's the front:


And the back:


The long threads haven't been fully anchored yet (apart from the deep blue one on the right in the second photo - that's one that got away.  [:(] 

I've been working on the principle of doing the fiddly odd stitches and trying to avoid long skips when moving from one to another, then doing the larger blocks of colour in order to lock in the fiddly bits.

Is there another way I should be working it?

This may be my imagination, but some of the threads look and feel slightly thinner than others - the pale blue, for instance.  Is this common?

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That looks lovely.  The back doesn't look bad either.  Looking forward to seeing the full design. 

You've made me want to get back into my cross stitch again as I haven't done any for ages. On a rather complicated Japanese ladies head at the moment.  I didn't think it would take me that long, but there are so many close shades in the face, it's difficult to see where I got to.  Fortunately the face is just about done now.  The dress is in different shades of pink, but I've decided to change the single crosses in the pattern for a gold thread instead using DMCs new metallic collection.

Maybe I'll sit and do a bit after my French lesson today, or at least try and work out where I got to.


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You can do either.  DMC used to do metallic thread in a single strand on a reel.  Now it comes as all the other threads so you can select your strands accordingly.  As the one I am doing on requires two strands, I shall do both in the gold.  I shall also be changing the edge of the collar on her dress to a dark metallic bronze instead of the brown they suggest in the pattern.

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At the rate I sew that'll be sometime in the distant future, but I could photograph some of my previous work and post it.  I've done a few pieces, but they are still awaiting frames so are currently folded up in my workbox.

But for now - I'm offline as my French teacher will be arriving shortly and I need to re-look at my homework, which was done in a rush and I really don't understand it.

Back later.


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Yikes!! Gold thread - the thread from Hell!!!  I've always found the gold/silver threads a right pain - they split, break, knott & if you have to re-thread them, you need the eyes of a hawk!!

Cassis - your work looks great - & the back is very neat.  I'll have to try to take photos of some of the cross-stitches I've done to see what you think.  I love doing them & now can't watch anything on TV without it in my hands!! [:D]  Unless of course I've had a few drinks!!

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I have to say it's quite fun - I was not sure I would enjoy it, it's just something that caught my fancy when I saw some kits at the Bayeux Tapestry museum. 

I wish I had bought one of theirs now (still, good excuse to revisit at some point). [:D]

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you are a most clever and painstaking sausage and i can tell you those are 2 qualities that i would put almost above any others!  very well done! (not meant so much as a pat on the head, clever old you, but more as a token of my admiration)!

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That's very kind, but I'm really only doing this so that I can infiltrate the women's sewing circle.

In case it's not clear what it is (or should eventually be), it is a lion on a red background with a squirly border.  You can see a paw.

Basic question - am I working it in the right direction? I'm trying to work left to right, bottom to top, on a diagonal that slopes top left to bottom right, as far as the frame allows, and finish off the whole of the visible working area before winding on.  As you may be able to tell, the instructions were not exactly comprehensive!

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It's usually easier (with cross-stitch) to work from left to right, top to bottom.  That way you take the thread down a line, rather than up & it makes a much neater stitch - I find this much easier.  It's all personnal choice - I don't think there are any hard & fast rules - do what you find most comfortable & suits your style. 

I'm sure any women's sewing circle would be proud to have you! [:D]

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Inspired by you all.

I have seen a pattern that I would like to have a go at doing, but the material used is linen and I just don't think I will get on with it.

If I try and reproduce it onto aida, I think I would need the material where the holes are very close together ( I don't know the technical terms sorry [:$])

Do you think, it would  be OK to use aida not linen and if so, what type of aida would I need please ?

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It's all based on how many stitches per inch - so 11 count would be quite big.  I can't work with linen any more because I need my eyes tested and definately need new glasses.  You could try a 16 count or even 18 or 20 if it's really fine work.  You will need to count the stitches in the pattern and then work out the size of material you will need. 


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[quote user="beryl"]

Inspired by you all.

I have seen a pattern that I would like to have a go at doing, but the material used is linen and I just don't think I will get on with it.

If I try and reproduce it onto aida, I think I would need the material where the holes are very close together ( I don't know the technical terms sorry [:$])

Do you think, it would  be OK to use aida not linen and if so, what type of aida would I need please ?


Designs worked on evenweave (linen) would be roughly the same size as ones done on 14 count aida.  I love evenweave as it gives a much smoother finish - but know excactly what you mean ....... I end up crossed-eyed after an hour or so!!  [blink]

As for Cassis's gender - could you see a female sausage wearning those boots?!!

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Thank you,

I have had this book called 'Bretagne au point de croix' by Sylvie Chevreteau for a while and have eventually decided to give it a go.

They are mainly seaside designs but there is a lovely ' carte de Bretagne' which I would like to try. It does look superb on linen but not for me, so I will order some 14 count aida.

The book is available  [url=http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_ss_w/402-1689692-1325747?__mk_fr_FR=%C5M%C5Z%D5%D1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=sylvie+chevreteau&Go.x=13&Go.y=10]here[/url]

and it shows what I will try to do, on the front cover. (I got it cheaper in Casino though)[:)]

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