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Can someone confirm, please, that this:

Accuse Reception de Demande d'annulation

Mme MOORE Alison,

Nous transmettons votre

demande d'annulation a notre Service Commercial.

Ce service vous

informera dans les plus brefs delais des suites de l'annulation.


vous assurons que notre equipe fait le maximum pour ecourter votre attente et

vous remercions

de votre patience.

Service Clientèle Actualis

Shows that Actualis have received my cancellation request?

I ask, as today I have received an email containing delivery

instructions. I have told them that they have received my cancellation,

but I suddenly wondered if I got it right!


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Yes, they have received your cancellation request.  However, it seems that the item may have been shipped before they received that, if you received delivery information.  Does the delivery information specifically state that the item is already shipped?  You may want to invest in a phone call...


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