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New Green Tax


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Just wondering, has anyone else noticed this tax that came in this month? 

It is called DEEE and is payable on all electrical and electronic goods

I did a search on the forum for DEEE but found nothing.  DEEE stands for Déchets d’Equipements Electriques et Electroniques.  The tax pays for the disposal of the product at the end of its life. 

I first noticed it earlier this month when we bought a chest freezer for our garden produce overflow.  It added 13€ to the price.  I asked if I HAD to pay this (if the thing ever breaks down I would not chuck it out - I would use it to store potatoes) or if it was a green option.  The BUT salesman said it was compulsory.

I notice electrical products online seem to add this tax on at the checkout or already include this tax in the price.

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On the plus side, when you buy a new fridge, freezer or whatever, the shop must take the old one away:

[quote]Lors d’une opération de vente d’un équipement électrique ou

électronique ménager, le distributeur d’équipements électriques et

électroniques reprend ou fait reprendre pour son compte au moins

gratuitement les équipements électriques et électroniques usagés que

lui cède le consommateur, dans la limite de la quantité et du type

d’équipement qui lui est acheté.[/quote]

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