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Don't know if this is the right place to post this, but does anyone know of a good english speaking hairdresser in the Vendee, I live near la roche sur yon, but will travel anywhere, my hairdresser cuts hair loverly, but not in the style that I want, I have taken pictures, drawn diagrams, and taken printed out words, all to no avail, to say I'm gettiing desperate, is an understatement. Thanks
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I know a brilliant one in northern Mayenne. PM me if you want her number.

Being a fan of everything French and always telling others to integrate etc. I have to tell you that I did try our local hairdresser. The result was horrific! I came home (much to the family's merriment) looking 10 years older and indeed feeling at least that. As you say, she wouldn't listen to what I wanted and when I showed her a picture said no problem, and then just carried on as before.

I came home and recut it myself and even I could do better!

Aly (it's like visiting the dentist, isn't it?)

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thank you for your post but although I said I would travel anywhere, I am sure your lady is a bit too far, by the time I got back here it would be time to go back again, however, saying that how far are you from dept 85. Thankyou again
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I have been known to cry all weekend after a dodgy do here, there or wherever!!

So I was amazed to hear myself say to my new French, male hairdresser to do whatever he thought best.

I have never had so much time or care taken over my hair. After a minimum of discussion, he cut, coloured, trimmed & tweaked my usually unocooperative hair into a style that I may not ever have considered but that I now love. He wrote my details on a card to be retained by him & said that only if I change my mind will he deviate from what he did this time!!


I noticed that the other posters referred to female hairdressers so maybe it's a male thing...

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