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Mince meat


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Not sure whether its one word or not actually.

Has anyone seen any in the supermarkets (in English section I assume if seen)?

Decided to try some mince pies this year.      Thought of making my own, but got bored just reading the amount of ingredients which seem to be required, plus 'suet' - what is 'suet'?   Either way, I am sure it will not be sold in France - could be wrong though ...


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OK you have almost convinced me.   Managed to find some more recipes on-line which don't look quite so arduous, and require 3 hours of shopping to find ingredients!    However, suet .... can you get suet in France (still not sure what it is, but beginning to think I probably don't want to know anyway).    If so, what is  it called please ?
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Londoneye, if you go on the recipe thread, i have put a mincemeat recipe on. I made it the other day and it was easy. Don't know what suet is in french but you can get Atora suet in most of the supermarkets. All it is is shredded fats, used for pastry or dumplings or suet puddings. With the ingredients in the recipe i got five jars of mincemeat. Good luck.[:D]
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[quote user="londoneye"]OK you have almost convinced me.   Managed to find some more recipes on-line which don't look quite so arduous, and require 3 hours of shopping to find ingredients!    However, suet .... can you get suet in France (still not sure what it is, but beginning to think I probably don't want to know anyway).    If so, what is  it called please ?[/quote]

If you go to your butcher you can ask for some "Graisse de rognon" it's the fat from around the loins and especially the kidneys, mutton  or beef

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You can also get a veggie suet if you prefer and its just as good from Atora. I use it. Another tip is that I soak my fruit in brandy first just for added taste, and if you like spicy food you can add extra spices plus I use ginger, home made is so much better because you can use better quality ingrediants and add what you like to it.  

Just found this picture on the web this is what it looks like , the meat one has blue instead of green on the packet

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[quote user="jetlag"]

Hi Londoneye

Our local Super U had sweet mince for making mince pies on their English section (although since the refit, not seen any English products!!) 

Jetlag 17


If that was Gemozac it has now been reinstated in one of the main aisles near the checkouts.

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I make a home-made mincemeat that uses butter, not suet.  It is simply gorgeous and I have used this recipe for years.  I once worked with a chap who used to buy all his christmas goodies from Fortnum & Mason's and he said my mince pies were better than he bought there (I should think so too).  It does have quite a few ingredients, but nothing hard to find, and couldn't be easier to make.  I also have a secret ingredient (well secret until now that is)  I don't like brandy so I always use Cointreau in the mince meat and xmas pud.  Yum yum yum..  E-mail me if you want the recipe.
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