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Complete France Forum

PVC curtains!

Jill<br><br>Jill (99)

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At a flat we rented recently in France, I was really surprised when I realised that the curtains were not heavy cotton as they appeared to be, but were more of a pvc - a little like the plasticised table cloths you can get, but actually less plastic feeling.  I thought curtains like that would be good for a bathroom - although this flat had them at all windows.  Do you know what this material is called and whether these would have been ready made curtains or material off the roll?  Also, where do you get it?  They certainly looked like properly finished off curtains at the top, but they had no hems at the side or bottom - yet it was only when you got close enough and handled them that you could tell that they were not normal curtain material.  I couldn't get to look at the top as the flat had really high ceilings and the windows went right to the top.  Thanks.
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