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Competent Translation of UK Court Order


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Has anybody had any experience regarding translation of documents for a Notaire? Following a divorce and division of assets - which includes transfer of ownership of a French property, it is necessary for the Notaire to draw up some new documents. We have a copy of a UK court order, however we are struggling to get a response from the Notaire regarding what certification/attestation will be necessary to comply with the French requirements regarding the translation of this document. There are companies advertising their wares on the internet, however we do not want to waste money having documents translated which might not be legally competent, and repeated requests of the Notaire have so far not been answered.
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You need this to be done by a 'traducteur assermenté'

le traducteur assermenté est un traducteur expert qui exerce une

fonction publique reconnue par le ministère des affaires étrangères.

C’est le seul professionnel habilité à traduire pour les tribunaux, les

ministères gouvernementaux, les mairies, ou les universités ( en France

comme à l’étranger) des documents tels que les jugements, les actes

les testaments, les extraits de naissance ou de décès, les

permis de conduire, ou les actes médicaux…

Leur principale fonction est de produire une traduction fidèle et exacte

d’un document original qui est rédigé en français ou dans une autre


click on  Annuaire on this link to find one near you


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  • 2 months later...
We have saved ourselves €800 by doing the work ourselves using online translators (Google etc), then proof reading and fine tuning with the help of a dictionary. The Notaire has been perfectly happy on both occasions when we have done this. It helps of course if you are adept using Word etc & can produce professional documents. It does however demonstrate that you can save a packet by doing it 'properly' yourself.
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