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Mr Coeur de Lion

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Who sells these? Probably the most popular mobile music system currently, but no one seems to sell them in the shops. I've just come back from Loches (fair sized town with a big L'Eclerc) and not a single mention of them in their store. Went to Super U and Gitem, same thing again - nothing.

I bought my wife an iTouch online for xmas (well she bought it, but that's another story), but just as an afterthought, wanted to get her some accessories for it (obviously too late for buying online). So I got I up early to go to Loches and was gutted to find no one sells them.

So for this extremely popular and well known system, who the hell sells them??? Are they only available online?


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Try Amazon France also.  Sadly, the UK site won't post them to Europe so you can't take advantage of the excellent Stirling price without an intermediary in the UK. However, I purchased one from an e-bay shop in the UK and saved about 25% on the French retail price, even with the postage.
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We got Lynda's via ebay for about €60 less than cdiscount and the like over here.

I was just hoping to get a bit of last minute xmas stuff for her (something online stores cannot offer with two days to go), and didn't realise how difficult it was to get ipod stuff in the shops. It seems from the above only Darty sell them in the shops, which is limiting their market quite a lot imo. Our nearest Darty is an hour away. I just expected to be able to get ipod gear in most large supermarkets like you can get most other popular stuff like that in eg tv's, computers, games consols etc.

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Ironic, isn't it?  There seems to me to be a huge Apple Mac following, based (amongst other things) upon a desire to have any kind of computer apart from one which involves Microsoft.  And yet AM are just as capable of restrictive practices which twist the market to suit them.  The i-pod thing being a case in point.

Having said that, there is kit out there which is I-Pod compatible but not made by AM.  I think fnac are your best bet, Richard.

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I actually thought fnac were online only, until I went to their site and found they have shops. Nearest one to me' is Tours, an hour away. Ironically, I have never stopped in Tours, only passed around it. Dare I try to find it with the madness of last day Xmas shopping.....?

But that's exactly what I'm getting at, how something so popular can be so comparatively tricky to get hold of.

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I think limiting their outlets makes iPod all the more desirable. (er, not particularly to me but to the bright young things that are never seen without their ear-buds in)

I've found interesting accessories for iPods in department stores, and not necessarily iPod branded accessories. The silicon sleeves are nice and they come in great colours. For when you have time to order by post, there are some great (and terrible) accessories on this site, including the iPod beanie hat. Search iPod to find them.

If you decide to brave the shops today, bon courage!
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I hope Lynda's having more luck than me.  I also got an i-pod for Christmas but I'm b*ggered if I can get it to do anything!  What happened to good, old-fashioned instruction books in 30 different languages?  I'm back in hospital today (being a work day) but off home for another go tonight.  Grrrr.[:-))]
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I will look at that once I'm back home and alongside it - we do not get released from the asylum until 17.00!

However, in essence it does nowt.  The "manual" suggests you connect it to your computer and "follow onscreen instructions."  There are no onscreen instructions.  The computer knows it's there but opening its files yields nothing and trying to Sync via WMP doesn't work yet.  There are no menus on the thing itself either, only a vague indication that the battery is charging. Unless Mr C's had some luck in my absence which is quite possible....

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Thanks, I will do as you suggest. 

However, before I bought the thing (a Classic), I was assured (by others on a different forum) that it was perfectly possible to avoid using I-Tunes and this was what finally swung it for me.  I'm still going to investigate the WMP interface but I'll begin with i-tunes.  I remain miffed by the stupid instructions (or lack of them) which suggest that you plug it in and on-screen instructions appear.  Hogwash!

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Well apparently you can. Click here although it seems to suggest doing it through itunes is much easier.

I googled can i use windows media player with an ipod and there seems to be a lot of positives to that.

But to start with, I'd recommend using itunes to get it installed and set up.

Perhaps once you have itunes, you may end up preferring it as it is designed 100% for the ipod wereas WMP is not.

Bonne chance [:)]


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I am currently downloading via i-tunes as I propose to do exactly that, Richard.  My objection to i-tunes (and other software of this sort) is simply that I don't want it trying to flog me stuff all the time.  Thus far I have not registered so hope that will prevent this from happening.


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[quote user="cooperlola"]

I am currently downloading via i-tunes as I propose to do exactly that, Richard.  My objection to i-tunes (and other software of this sort) is simply that I don't want it trying to flog me stuff all the time.  Thus far I have not registered so hope that will prevent this from happening.



I'm not trying to push iTunes over other alternatives (such as Anapod), but it does keep things simpler.  My iPod is registered, and I don't find that I get a lot of spam from Apple.  Occasionally when opening iTunes, there's a pop-up offering an update, but you can simply refuse that (and can use the "don't ask again" feature also.

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