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Le Timbre Vert - second-class by another name?


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I have just bought a carnet of stamps for postage within France. I was surprised to see the stamps are green instead of the familiar red, and the cover of the carnet bears the encouraging message:

"Le Timbre Vert, un timbre pour un courrier distribué en 48h, plus économique et plus respectueux de l'environnement."

I was not asked if I wanted first- or second-class stamps, so I presume there is no option and that this is the new norm. Amazing how La Poste can put a positive spin on an inferior-quality service!

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Ooooh, thanks Clair!

I had never taken on board that there were two tariffs nowadays. But ut's funny that staff default to selling the green one. You'd think they would want to maximse consumer spending and flog the red ones unless requested otherwise.

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It seems to be an oddity with La Poste, they're always trying to persuade me to buy commemorative stamps, with very small writing. You can't tell if they're for France or abroad, or which way up they go.

I still get mixed up with the blues and the reds, so green is another one to puzzle over.

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[quote user="Loiseau"]Ooooh, thanks Clair! I had never taken on board that there were two tariffs nowadays. But ut's funny that staff default to selling the green one. You'd think they would want to maximse consumer spending and flog the red ones unless requested otherwise. Angela[/quote]

That's not been my experience, Angela, I've always have to ask specifically for the green ones.

I only use the green ones and hardly ever the priorité ones, being of  a "careful" disposition[:)]

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[quote user="Pommier"]Yes, the économique are much the best for paying bills![/quote]

Also for buying "stuff" on leboncoin, Pommier.  I just tell them that "je n'ai qu'un timbre vert" et tell them that they will receive the cheque 2 days from whatever day I put the envelop in the letter-box.

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