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Gun Licencing and examination


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As far as I know you can buy a shotgun to use on your own land without any restrictions. If you wish to join the chasse and hunt on other people's land you will need to find the local office of the Federation de Chasse  - ask at the Mairie.  Apply to do the course then there's a written exam. Eddie.
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[quote]As far as I know you can buy a shotgun to use on your own land without any restrictions. If you wish to join the chasse and hunt on other people's land you will need to find the local office of the Fe...[/quote]

Perhaps you can but it is illegal without a permit.


gives details.

Those with permits have the same rights and restrictions on hunting on their own land as on their neighbours; the legislation is complicated by the fact that some communes have ACCA - communal hunts - and the right to take one's land out of the communal hunt's use is then restricted.


gives details on your right to ban hunting, not quite what's required, but it gives some insight into the legislation.

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[quote]Hello Why would you want to ban hunting it's sure way of getting up everyones nose. And remember -if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. regards Mik[/quote]

I didn't suggest banning hunting; I posted the link because the circumstances in which you can turn your land into a private hunt are a restricted form of those in which you can ban hunting.

An earlier posting suggests it is simply a matter of fencing it off but for those of us with a communal ACCA this is not the case.


gives details - the salient points are in the summary at the bottom of the page; I didn't have the link at the tip of my fingers when I posted earlier.

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Perhaps this will help, it's from http://www.fusil-calais.com/index.asp


PurchaseCat.Types of arms CalibreDocuments to supply
+ 18 years old
Shotguns : one shot per barrel
(single or double barrel).
10/ 12/ 16/ 20/ 24/ 28
12/ 14 mm
410 mag / etc.
I. D. +
hunting or shooting licence
Knives (daggers, bayonets, coshes).
Blank and gas pistols (signal and starter).

Air rifles (less than 10 joules) and CO2 guns.
6/ 8/ 9 mm gas or blank
4,5 et 5,5 mm
True replica of black powder pistols and carbines.

Soft air guns (less than 2 joules).
.31/ .36/ .44/ .45
.50/ .54/ .58/ .69/ .75
4,5 et 5,5 mm
+ 18 years old

Subject to registration after purchase
Shotguns : repetition and semiautomatic.

Rifled shotguns :
- One shot per barrel
- Repetition
- Semiautomatic
10/ 12/ 16/ 20/ 24
410 mag/ 222 Rem/ 270 W
280 Rem/ 7x64/ 300 W
30.30/ 8x60 S/ 7x65 R
8x57 JRS/ 9,3x62/ 9,3x74 R
375 HH / etc.
I. D. +
hunting or shooting licence
Hobby and competition rifles (civilian looking) 22 Lr/ 22 Short/ 22 MagI. D.
Air rifles and CO2 guns
(more than 10 joules).
4,5 mm (V° + 195 m/s)
5,5 mm (V° + 145 m/s)
I. D.
Rubber bullets defence pistols.12/50 gomm-cogne
11,6 safegom / etc.
I. D.
Subject to prior prefectorial authorization War handguns and war rifled shotguns,
automatic or semiautomatic
with their ammunition.
9 mn para/ 45 ACP/ etc.
30-06/ 303 British/ 7 ,5
30M1/ etc.
I. D.

- Small calibre one shot or more.
- Lead shot and their ammunition.
- Big calibre and their ammunition.
AllI. D.
- pump action guns
- semiautomatic more than 3 shots.
- repetition more than 10 shots
Gun sticks
AllI. D.

Documents to supply :
» I.D : with picture.
» Valid hunting licence.
» Valid shooting licence.
» APAD : 2 copies of the prefectorial authorization of acquisition and possession of arms established less than 90 days prior.

Others :
» Ammunition for the 5th category arms are on free sale provided the buyer presents a valid hunting licence or shooting licence.
» The registration for each arm is supplied by the shop and is to be filed with the Gendarmerie or the  Police Constabulary. Re
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Moderators hat on.

I have tonight deleted two strings of posts which quite frankly had absolutely nothing to do with the original post.

If you have something to add which is a direct answer to the original post please do so, if not can you please refrain from posting here.

Thank you.

Moderators hat off.


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