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Showjumping in France


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We are moving to the Dordogne in March 2005 with our six horses that we showjump. Here in Britain we are members of the BSJA and our horses are all registered with the BSJA. Once we move to France I understand that we join the French Equestrian Federation. I have looked at their website but I don't really understand it yet. Could someone advise me about membership, horse registration, classes, cost etc. Also does anyone know if there are any good equestrian centres and showjumping trainers in the Dordogne/Limousin (we are moving to Excideuil in the Perigord Vert) and is there a local riding club?Any advice much appreciated!
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Horses will have to be registered for competition with SIRE. They will need breed papers, but if not and have a reasonable level in other countries they will be allowed to compete. http://www.haras-nationaux.fr/hn0700/accueil/frame01_fr.htm , -> contacts ->SIRE

Riders need to have taken practical and theory tests to galop 7 level. If you are >25 you can jump straight in and take galop 5 http://www.lesaboteur.com/menu-galops/galop7.php . in addition you will need a competition license from the FFE - a few tens of euros.

The FFE page contains lisitings of all registered riders and horses/ponies , competition results and competition date in France - the datebases are very complete and very well organised. For ponies -> Club/SIF -> BO for horses -> GICE . in order to register online for a competition you will need an account - need to contact FFE.

Easiest is to join a club as they should be handle most of the above for you. We have mostly experience on the pony side of competitions, but a few times/year my daughter also competes in the horse competitions  'poussins' (8-10 year olds) on her pony in the regionals and nationals.




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Hi Richard,

Thank you for your help but can you also tell me what the practical and theory tests consist of please? The web page is undergoing maintenance at present. Also, how do I find a club in my area (Dordogne)?



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Try this link http://www.lesaboteur.com/menu-galops/galop1.php  , the galops are along the top, with a description of what is required on the page below. Also go to www.amazon.fr and search on galops - you will find various books on passing the galops. Gallop 7 is required for the individual riders. There is also a club system that enables competing on horses at a much lower level ( I guess sort of pony size circuits) and for this the level of galop depend on the competition you enter. Details are in the pdf documents on  on the FFE site -> GICE - Our 9 year daughter had been competing on ponies for the last 5 years, and finally we understand the system - I have not yet got my head completly around the system for horses.

For a club in your area go to www.ffe.com -> FFE Club SIF (top menu)  -> Clubs click on 24 (I guess for dordogne) and you will get a list of every affliated club in the department (county). You can look down the post code - some have their own web site. If you click on the name of the club you will get details - for clubs that do competition with horses check that the box Cheval-Club is checked - also look at the number of competition licenses for that club (top right).  These are not exact means of checking, but they give an idea of what the club does.

Be warned clubs in France do not have the same level of cleanliness, welfare or safety as in the UK - In particular clubs in the provinces can be very rustic and extremely poor in terms of decent facilities .   Although it is  heavy on the exam and papers side, the competition system operated by the FFE is efficient and generally well organised



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