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Info about tennis clubs in dept 22

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I am trying to locate a tennis club in  dept 22 near Carhaix. Does anyone know what standard of tennis you need  to join and are they run on the same lines as the British ones?

I enjoy the game and the competitive bit (in the summer mostly) but my standard of play is not particularly high level. Any help on how to proceed would be very useful..thanks

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Many villages and towns have tennis clubs as I believe that a few years ago there was some funding available to build them.

I joined our local tennis club a couple of years ago having never played before but always had the desire to play especially after watching Wimbledon! The club caters for everyone from 6 to 99. It costs roughly 50€ including the Licence and for that I get free access to one of two tennis courts whenever I want (if they're available - which one nearly always is). I also get an hours session at least once a week with the coach either 1 to 1 or with a couple of others. This has been great because I've been taught the correct technique for each stroke/serve and it's amazing how much difference it makes to the accuracy, speed an effort of playing!

There are teams at the club which play in local tournaments but I don't play in them - mainly because I'm good enough yet.

They also do childrens group sessions on wednesdays and saturdays.

They're very friendly and approachable - not at all like I've heard some UK clubs are like!

I'm sure if you ask at your local Mairie they'll be able to tell you which is the nearest town with a club.

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