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Football for "fun" in Paris..?


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After two years living here it seems that having "kickarounds" and playing friendly football matches is not big in France.

I used to play 3 times a week back in the UK - all indoor/astroturf 5/6/7 a side games - all "for a laugh". It was quite easy in the UK to just ring up a sports hall and make a booking (without medical certificates/notes of insurance/etc. etc!)

I have tried two (french) teams in different leagues here in Paris but it's always the same story of it becoming a big commitment - starting and finishing late, but mainly been played very competitively (I.e. not fun). After both experiences I gave up as if you're not enjoying it then "what's the point".

I tried advertising in FUSAC to find people who want to meet up for a fun kick-around but no luck.

I would still really love to play five/six a side one evening/weekend a week so if anyone knows where this takes place / has a space for me then please be in touch!



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