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Blog Addict


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Yes, that's me. I have replaced my TV addiction with Blog addiction. I have a few favourites, that I have got to know over time. In the initial stage of my addiction, this pastime was very very time consuming, because I would start at the beginning of the archived posts, and some of them have been going two or three years.

Now I go on my few favourites, and it only takes a minute sometimes, to read the latest post and comments made by others.  I need to feed my addiction - it's to cold to be out, and too cold to paint.

So, and bearing in mind that everyone's taste will be different, does anyone have any recommendations for a new blog for me to try?.

These are mine, and I'm sorry, I've tested them, and tried again. I don't know why the linky thing isn't working for me 

http://bloodand treasure.typepad.com/

Clever guy, North West England, must store his brain in an outbuilding. Topics range from seriously brainy discourse on philosophy, politics etc, to frivolous things about pies, jedi knights and sperm donations. (Very occasionally rude, or links to rude things, but this is rare)


Young Iraqi woman posting about daily life, sometimes only once a week due to lack of electricity.


(How to learn Swedish in 1000 difficult Lessons) I go to this one because its very well written, funny, and as my brother lives in Sweden it gives me insights into his life there. The guy who writes it is American.


English guy posting from Columbia where he teaches English. This took a bit of getting used to, and the comments can get a bit sweary, and strange, and too literary, but it's a giggle, for me, anyway).




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No, it's me that should say sorry for assuming.

Blog is short for weblog. They are usually just one individual posting, sometimes daily, (so in that sense some are like a diary) or more, about whatever interests them. There are blogs to do with just about any subject you can think of. Lots of people do blogs about the daily grind/joy of their work, home lives etc, some are about politics, philosphy, music, IT, cancer, DIY projects, anything really. They range from deeply nerdy to fabulously frivolous.

There are so many it's impossible to look at a fraction of them. I found Riverbend, mentioned above, by typing the words iraq blog into google (search engine). It came up with loads, and I slogged through quite a few till I found that one. So, if you are interested in a particular subject, just try doing something like what I did. Once I found some that I liked, I followed links provided by them to other sites that 'they' like, if you get my drift.


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I did Gay, very simple and moving. I saw his last (pre written) diary only a few days ago, and I think he died yesterday?

Craig, I had some trouble getting to the barbershop podcast, but will try again in a couple of weeks when I get back from my 'jollies'.


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