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shooting again.

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In the last three years that we have lived here there are now blackbirds in the trees along with thrushes and all sorts of other hedgerow birds that were so obviously missing when we moved here.

I for one am delighted and it is a pleasure to read for once of a new resident doing something useful. Most of them have no regard for anything other than themselves, like the hunters you describe.

When I leave my house I hope that the new owners will continue to feed the wild birds that we have encouraged over the years.

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Do the hunters realise (or care) that there are more birds legally allowed to be shot in France than in any other European country. That's bad enough, but birds which are on the endangered and protected lists of neighbouring countries, such as Luxembourg and Belgium are "fair game" in France.

Most hunters to whom I have spoken in France are not aware of the above and usually shrug their shoulders and say "If it's permitted, I will shoot them!"

Like Mazan, we live in the countryside as we did in England for most of our lives, and found, both there and here that the majority of country dwellers are either indifferent to or against hunting. Mazan's 5% indicates the apathy in this country and, happily, that percenatge is falling steadily each year.

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"The problem is, that is just what these people want. They are a very vocal minority and do become a problem( look at the ban on handguns, semi auto rifles and hunting with hounds in the uk) it is the thin end of the wedge."

There are far more anti-hunt people than hunters, so how are they the minority?

I agree 110% with Mazan and others and the falling levels of hunt support makes pleasing reading. Perhaps some of the struggling animal/bird breeds may finally have a chance of survival in France.

I'm now off to hug my trees, listen to the birdsong and enjoy my natural surroundings - a big part of what attracted me here in the first place. And yes, i have a rural property and no, my (french) neighbours don't support hunting and neither (according to them) does the village, which suits me fine! 


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"...make a lot of din and try to force your stupid grey person views onto everyone else..."

Well, there's a lot more 'stupid' people around than there are hunters. Fortunately, you are in the minority and in this day and age that is where you will remain.

"I would really like to see you turn up around here protesting and generally whining,you would soon get a boot up your behind and sent on your dreary way."

I am so glad that in 'my area' of rural France of around 1,500, the people show respect for each other, the countryside and the animals that live in it. They also find other, more constructive uses for their time than chasing and killing animals.

Please let me know where 'around here' is so i can make a point of not visiting it.





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Yes, the hunting lobby in France may be powerful, but its members are getting older and older.  It won't be many more years before the oldies in the french govt who support the CPNT are replaced by more enlightened, younger politicians. Don't you know that every year for the past 30 years the hunting numbers go down, down and down. A couple of gun-crazy idiots from across the Manche won't be enough to save them. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Have you read some of the pro-hunting french websites ? Even the hunters themselves know the writing is on the wall.

I banned hunting on my 22 HA because I bloody well detest it - it is intrusive, dangerous and noisy. Can you tell me without being offensive why I and my family should be unable to safely walk and work in our woods for seven months of the year ?

What about the wildlife ? Recently I had a chat with a local hunter, who came to the property to reclaim his two lost hunting dogs. He told me that this season only one or two foxes were killed on a Sunday instead of the usual five or six, they had only killed four out of the eight chevreuils they had been allocated, he couldn't find any pigeons to shoot, he couldn't find any rabbits to shoot and hares had been off the shooting list for the past two years, due to lack of numbers. On this basis, it's just as well the numbers of hunters are falling, otherwise there would be nothing left.

How about a "wish list" for the hunting season 2005/6 ?

- Hunting season from 1 Nov to 31 Jan

- Hunting season limited to two days per week, plus Sunday mornings only

- Shooting whilst under the influence of alcohol banned

- France to fall in line with EU legislation

I know I'm dreaming ... but just give it time .....!!

I await the inane reply with resignation, but please note I didn't say "ban hunting altogether"!



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This is my last response as i can't be bothered with someone that is only capable of inane and offensive replies.

For your information I happily share the town with 1,500 french people with no other english in the village, so no expat enclave for me. 

And no, i never mentioned fishing.

Elodie's post makes a lot of sense, but we are just wasting our time with the die hards....who are fortunately dying out.

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I have read all of this thread with great interest.  I am neutral in this matter and I agree with many of the comments from both sides, apart from the unreasoned vitriol of one particular correspondent who I consider brings hunting into disrepute.

I would like to prepare a properly reasoned response, but I only have a dial up connection which blocks the telephone line.  Can anyone tell me if it is possible to prepare a response "off line", perhaps in microsoft word, and then post it to the relevant thread?

Perhaps Mazan could advise if he is still speaking after the vitriol directed towards him.

ps could someone also advise how to use the spell checker.  When I open it the box is too small, and the tabs to the right are obscured.

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You can prepare a response in Word and spell check it there. Then highlight all the text and go to Edit > Copy. This puts all the text you highlighted into the clipboard (just a temporary storage area). Then open LF and go to add a reply in the normal way. Put your cursor in the top left corner of the reply box and go Edit > Paste and the text should appear.

You can also use alt+c to copy and alt+v (apple+c and apple+v on a Mac) to do the same thing.

I can't help you on the spell checker as it is one of the features which don't work for non-Windoze users.
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As usual - an opinion by Mazan based on ignorance of a subject he knows very little about.

I will bow to your superior knowledge about hunters but there are many others forms of shooting .

Target shooting , Clay,  Practical rifle , shotgun,  and pistol shooting for which you need to pass a  two day course and have a world recognised licence .

All these involved putting holes in cardboard targets as accurately and as fast as possible . Due to this stupid government and Britains even more stupid people , a lot of shooting is no longer possible in the U.K .

( Another small reason to move to France ) . People rave on about the loss of jobs and revenue with regard to fox hunting . How many people do you think were laid off  due to the ' Dunblane , pre -election ban ' .

It makes me laugh how the government decide that I'm not safe to own a pistol to shoot holes in paper targets.

but I can stand on the streets with 34 rounds , guarding government buildings and embassies . Crazy !!

Oh well - rant over . P.S. If somebody does know anything about practical pistol events in  France - Please let me know .    XXXX

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I said much earlier in the thread I have no problem with people practicing shooting on ranges.

There's a difference between shooting holes in paper targets (at a licenced, possibly sound protected, insured venue), and doing it in your back garden.

There is also a difference between you owning a pistol, for such a hobby, and members of the armed forces/security services. I see no need to spell out all the differences, but I believe those guys have a bit more than 2 days training  on the use of their weapons, they don't tend to keep their weapons at home, practice in the back garden, or indeed on other peoples land as happens here.


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As usual - an opinion by Mazan based on ignorance of a subject he knows very little about.

What a shame that you don't elaborate. If you are going to call me ignorant (in what is apparently the first phrase in your first ever post here) you should at least have the courtesy to explain where you think I'm going wrong. As for being ignorant about something one knows very little about, this phrase is just tautology.

I will bow to your superior knowledge

Hold on. You just said I was ignorant. Which is it?

about hunters but there are many others forms of shooting .

Indeed there are but none of them were connected with what I had to say about hunting. Do go back and read the thread in full.

You've certainly chosen an original way to make your first post here.

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If 'Vulcanglock' really is posting for the first time (I have my suspicions) but has been lurking he must know that Mazan tends to know whereof he speaks - so much so that one poster tried to insult him on the grounds that he knows a lot (only the English think ignorance is a virtue).

This is getting silly. Mazan has a perfectly logical and acceptable point of view about hunting. It is the - how shall I put this - less measured intelligences which are doing the shouting and insulting.

Oh dear, I'll get more emails asking me to stab myself in the eyes again, now.
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Moderators hat on:

Shooting is a topic which always tends to raise some temperatures, however there is nothing to be gained by anyone adding a personal element to their post.

Reasoned, logical, polite discussion has a place on the forum, being critical or rude about a person who does not share your particular view, does not.
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about hunters but there are many others forms of shooting .

Indeed there are but none of them were connected with what I had to say about hunting. Do go back and read the thread in full.

Mazan , All the original poster did was ask about shooting, nothing is mentioned about hunting at all yet yours is the first post telling him to go and shoot hunters and farmers, not very sporting. So really all the nasty comments going back and forth actualy start from your post which is the second post in this thread. You never asked what the guy wanted to shoot, just decided to hijack the thread by starting on hunters and farmers which I have said had absolutly nothing to do with he original post. If you (all of you) want to have a 'set too' about hunting then raise your own thread and do it there just don't keep hijacking other peoples thread.

Not supprisingly this was the last post this guy ever made on the forum.

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I will admit I didn't read all the thread , but I was annoyed  (as it appears some others were ) that the original person enquiring about shooting was damned as a hunting type .

I didn't day Mazan was  generally ignorant . I stated he was ignorant ( o.k. let's say misinformed ) about shooting as a sport in general .

I have friends who have country properties  in Mayenne and they have told me that hunters are a pain , but I didn't offer my opinion because I don't know enough about the subject !

When involved in pistol shooting I was advised  and taught by experienced people and then had to show that I was safe with a firearm on a range . The two day course was only to qualify for that particular licence .

I already had  completed a three week course with the police  some years before and privately been given a certificate to authorise me to be a ' Range officer ' . As for this not being my first post ,  I'm afraid it is . 

Best wishes to all . ( even Mazan )


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[quote]about hunters but there are many others forms of shooting . Indeed there are but none of them were connected with what I had to say about hunting. Do go back and read the thread in full. Mazan ,...[/quote]

Quillan, thanks for the support and taking the time to respond. Mazan, as i said way back, all i wanted was info, not to be belittled by someone who has no previous knowledge of me. I bear no grudges, Au Revoir mon ami !!!!! :-)
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I see the reasoning behind  the allegation of being a multiple personality , as you ASSUMED that I had specially

invented this name to suit the subject matter . This is a username which I have used for a couple of years due to the fact that a Glock is what carry at work and the prefix of vulcan had a certain ring to it  !

 Please feel free to search for me on Ebay and you will see how long I have used that name . No hard feelings .

Au Revoir .

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