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Bobby Moore


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Did any of you watch the brilliant and very moving documentary about Bobby Moore last night on UK television.

He came across as somebody who was well balanced both on and off the football pitch and just a b****y good bloke.

He was from my era and I was privileged to see him play a couple of times in internationals and you could see that he was special even amongst other "stars".

The amusing stories that his friends told about him were priceless.


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I first heard about this documentary being made some time ago when Sir David Frost interviewed someone close to the team making the doc. This inter view was because Frost had agreed to produce the video (and it was a plug for the doc.)See http://www.bobbymooreonline.co.uk/Videos.htm

Anyway, over the years I have heard Greavesy tell many jokes about his life and times with "Mooro" and all of them gems.

Lat night, when they spoke with Harry Rednapp(one of the best young players from the age of 14 to around 21 that I saw out of the East end) memories flooded back of the time around 1979/80, when the sponsors money flooded into Oxford City (and as 'Arry said, he thought it was to be Oxford Utd he would be going to, not some non league outfit !!!) and was stiil in the era that "City" played at the White House Ground.

I saw several games down there, as friends still playing in semi pro soccer were poached by Sir Bobby and Harry Boy to play down at Oxford (well over an hour and a half from my house I may add !)The laughs in those two short seasons (they took them DOWN by the way !!!)were terrific but one was unbelievably dismayed by the fact that this great man, who had led West Ham in exemplary fashion for many years and of course had been captain of England on that legendary day in 66 and here he was, sadly down at Oxford City with many people (nice as many were) who could not even tie his boot laces or have his fine manners.

I, like many, will always blame the F.A. Here was a man who had won 108 caps and been captain for 90 of them, they had it within them to put him on "high" as Englands Football Ambassador but knowing too well how that useless bunch of know nothing spongers (yes, it's that bad in many cases to talk that way of several of those that walk the halls of Lancaster Gate, now Soho of course and just look how expensive that move was and nothing has changed in many decades of how the F.A is run.

He was left out to dry at Southend and Oxford City, whilst the codgers at the F.A downed their gin & tonics in their pathetic Ivory Tower, mind you, he could have shown them how to really drink !!

RIP Sir Bob and thanks for the memories, especially for me, those last few seasons at the Cottage when Chelsea were away and we could go and see your talents alongside Bestie and Rodney Marsh, how much for those 3 today !!

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Miki I remember well those days at Craven Cottage...

A couple of the blokes at our local organise a Bobby Moore golf day every year - in fact it's coming up soon. Makes a lot of money for the Bobby Moore Fund. A very well worthwhile memorial to a real gentleman.


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[quote]Miki I remember well those days at Craven Cottage...A couple of the blokes at our local organise a Bobby Moore golf day every year - in fact it's coming up soon. Makes a lot of money for the Bobby Moo...[/quote]

I wont be able to be there Dick but will be there in spirit.

Lovely way to remember him and the laughs and memories on the day, will make it a wonderful occasion I'm sure.

Get Tarby to be there, he can tell a few stories and he is (was)a damned good golfer.

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