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Bastille Day

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Does anyone know if the Louvre is open on Bastille Day (the Louvre's website doesn't give this information!), and also has anyway been to Paris on Bastille Day, and if so, what recommendations can you give as to the best way to take part in the celebrations.

Thanks, in advance



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Sacre bleu!

Can we all STOP calling "le 14 juillet" or "la fête nationale" by our ignorant Anglo-Saxon terms.

Yes, le 14 juillet 1789 was the day that the parisian crowds stormed the Bastille to release no more than half a dozen prisoners!

You wont make many French friends by reminding them of this fact. It is a national holiday, a time to celebrate the freedoms of republicanism - not a time to the dwell on the hooliganism of a few.

I feel better now


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I don't know about the Louvre, but you have to get onto the Champs Elysees for the parade - very militaristic, but spectacular. The sapeurs-pompiers get the best crowd reaction! The year I was there the King of Morocco was in the lead car with Chirac - he died a few days later (of shame?) and there was a Moroccan regiment leading the parade. The Foreign Legion was impressive, too, they sort of march at the slouch. Very Bogart and Raines.

It gets very crowded (watch out for dips), and the metro is closed for a while either side of the parade - plan accordingly. There isn't much going on in the centre after the parade, but there will be events all over (often organised by the pompiers) - I went out to Versailles and had a good time drinking with young soldiers! Sign up for a dance.

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Dick, you left too soon! What about fireworks over the Eiffel tower? Definitly worth hanging about for. I haven't been in Paris for a 14 July for about ten years, but I do remember that there was a really good atmosphere. I don't know about the Louvre, did you look on their website?


sorry you'll have to paste it. There is a pdf file for closures, but I can't get it to open.
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If you click on Schedule of Room Closures at the bottom of the page, and then go to the bottom of the page that you are sent to you see a pdf link and Calendrier d'ouverture et de fermeture des salles (2004-2005)

I thought it might be here, but I can't open it. Perhaps somebody else willl have better luck.

Alternative solution: Go to your local FNAC. Read le guide du Routard to Paris. Bring accomplice to take notes while you dictate all you need to know about Paris!
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Yes, Tourangelle, there was a group of us and we missed the fireworks in favour of drinking, eating and generally having a good time! Versailles was actually a good choice, very atmospheric but not TOO crowded.


I've also got a vague memory of going to see La Defence at some ungodly hour of the morning...

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Should anybody still be worried (!) about this subject, by Googling I have found a site that told me that the Louvre IS closed on July 14 (don't call it Bastille Day, some people get very upset!).

Can't wait to go!



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I don't think the people getting upset are French! Call it Bastille Day, why ever not? I did an (admittedly limited) survey of two French people yesterday both of whom said they couldn't care less what we called it. Anyway in France you often hear them refer to it as le jour de la prise de la bastille, so there is no problem.
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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote]Does anyone know if the Louvre is open on Bastille Day (the Louvre's website doesn't give this information!), and also has anyway been to Paris on Bastille Day, and if so, what recommendations can you...[/quote]

It will be FERMÉ!! truly FERMÉ!! as will be ALL other museums/chateaux etc... right accross France.

It is after all un jour férié that day. You can't expect French people to work on their National Day!

So everything is SHUT!! Except the poor nurses/doctors/gendarmes/pompiers/some food stores will be working as will all the hotels/restaurants/cafés.

Best place if you can is Paris! The Eiffel Tower going up with wonderful feu d'artifices never cease to amaze me!! Place de la Concorde too. Last time I was there it was shut to traffic and a massive street party I'll never forget. Can't remember going to bed that night...

All little villages and towns will have a fête and/or a street party of a kind that day, possibly un bal des pompiers! Best fun ever! and you will notice that everyone is in high joyous spirit with not much anglo-saxon yob drunkeness type behaviour to be seen....
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Not strictly true about the museums Missyesbut, here in Normandy the D-Day museums are open (even at lunchtime!) throughout July and august!

Fireworks generally in most towns of any kind of size!  We usually avoid the crowds by watching them from our garden!!!

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