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When looking for Clubs the best place to go is the ffam website www.ffam.asso.fr which is "  FEDERATION FRANCAISE D'AERO-MODELISME  "  ( The French equivalent of the BMFA/SMAE). They have a club list complete with GPS co ordinates for flying sites and links to the individual club's websites. The best way to find the shops is through the clubs or the mags( which seem to be easy to find in the shops). From what I have seen of flying in France ( not a lot yet) they seem to like their models BIG and petrol powered (Zenoah's etc...) and aero towing is popular. There are also some soaring only clubs, but these tend to be slope soaring in the mountains. ( not much help where you are!)


Hope this helps






PS I did see an electric Tug at the Caen Aerotow in May - It was towing 4m gliders and managed 2 tows per charge from a very large LiPo pack!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Krill & Barry,

Sorry this is so late, but I have only just found it (via my bestest 'arf). I am down in the Aude and got withdrawal symptoms form not flying for a year. Been too busy finding and buying a new home here!! The little bit of model shopping I have done has been with model shops in the U.K. and a couple of places in France, but mostly on the telephone and internet. For electric John Emms, Puffin Models, nr Bristol will supply. Have a look at http://www.puffinmodels.com . John is very helpful and sells good kit.

As far as France is concerned try your local Tourist Info office, they quite often have details even if it's pointing you to the local airport who sometimes have more info.

I fly mainly gliders, with a couple of electric models, from John. He gave my old club a couple of talks, South Cotswold Soaring Association (SCSA), and it finished up costing me a fortune buying models from him. Not really, but more than I had bargained for... The village we moved into had a big sigb outside one of the buildings pronouncing Aeromodelism Club and I nearly fell off my perch untill I found out that it had just closed down !!! So still looking here, but I must admit that we have been so busy with our new home that I have been very remiss, but I do miss my flying !! I even got a 'lektrik Zagi!!

If you woud like the contacts here then just e-mail me..


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You can fly QEF any time without problems. Wotz QEF I 'ere ya ask, why it's Quiet & Electric Flight. Gliders are good for you, they teach you when to launch and when you are learning you get lots of exercise walking to the bottom of the hill to collect your model  !! I can even fly my helicoptur, 'cause that's electric. I say 'fly', but I am fully convinced that helicopters can't fly and that it is just an halucination put about by helicopter makers. I can't fly this thing I've got even after 20 years of flying model gliders. The reason I don't fly full size is twofold, 1. I can't afford it and 2. I have seen how I land sometimes and I don't want to be sat in anything I'm landing .

Quillan is correct in that the French legal frequencies are 41meg and 72meg. My helicopter is on 35meg, as is the rest of my kit at the moment, but I haven't had any interference. I am led to believe that some ambulance systems are 35meg here. Before anyone starts jumping up and down about radio control interfering with the ambulances the transmitter only has a maximum range of about 1 mile and is far less powerful than their kit!

I agree that noisey smellies should be put in places where they can't disturb others, same thing goes for garden machinary too! Except my chain saw and thai hai termic of course .


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Hi John,

My husband flies model gliders also.  If you have any more links which you can post to help him find anything out, that would be great.  We once lived in Weston Super Mare, and he used to fly a lot around there, but has not flown since moving here over a year ago now.  We are in Dept 22.



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