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Belly Dance Classes


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As from wednesday 16th November I am starting up a Belly Dance class in Berthegon, dept 86. It is from 6.30pm until 7.30pm at the Salle Communale. The lesson will be conducted in French (English only if I run out of vocabulary). The charge is 8euros per years subscription. Dress is sport clothes. This is an exercise class for fun and dancing and any LADIES aged 16 upwards are welcome. Any questions please contact me by e-mail, or post replies here and I will answer them.
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The charge is 8euros per years subscription.

8 euros.  That's a typo, right? 

We pay about that per hour dahn Sarf here!   Plus the obligatory adhésion to the MJC or whatever.

We did lower-half vibrating last night.  Not easy!  And those bits that vibrate when you don't want them to.......  

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I live in Turkey where belly dancing outfits can be bought in the local bazzar, they have all the colours under the sun, with optional coins....etc  Not sure how much they are.

If anyone is interested I will pop down to check the prices out and send a photo via email.

From December we will spend most of our time in france and only pop back to Turkey to pack our belongings before we retire to FFFFFrrance.............   yipeeeee..  So you will have to be quick.



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Hello again - 8 euros per year is not a typo - I am not charging for the classes, it is done through an organisation and the 8 euros is for hall use, heating and such. I missed classes so much and there were none here so I am starting my own.

Thanks for the offer of a spare belly!

To the person with Turkish connections, yes I would be interested in placing orders with you at some stage, thanks.

It was very cold here last night, the first frost and here we are in France with one log burner and two heaters which tripped the electrics. I may need to do daily classes to keep warm.

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