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George Best


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  • 4 weeks later...
Those who have access to iTunes can buy an exclusive, for-charity download of 'My Brilliant Feat' by Colin Hay. Apparently Hay wrote the song in 1998 but didn't record it, Heather Mills-McCartney heard it and contacted Steve Jobs (Apple CEO) who got it recorded and onto the iTunes Music Store pdq. Cost is £1.49 for the song and video, or 79p for just the song - and the proceeds go to The Donor Family Network.
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hi dave,ive been sat here an hour trying to compose an answere to your post,and finely decided not to bother with any real reply,if they ever start doing brain transplants though i,ll have yours, its got to be in good nick and probably still in the origanal wraper never used,

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[quote user="Dicksmith"]Those who have access to iTunes can buy an exclusive, for-charity download of 'My Brilliant Feat' by Colin Hay. Apparently Hay wrote the song in 1998 but didn't record it, Heather Mills-McCartney heard it and contacted Steve Jobs (Apple CEO) who got it recorded and onto the iTunes Music Store pdq. Cost is £1.49 for the song and video, or 79p for just the song - and the proceeds go to The Donor Family Network.[/quote]

I saw quite a lot about this at the beginning of the week and I believe, from what was said, that the whole amount (£1.49 or 79p )goes to the charity.

I'm not a big Heather Mills-Mc Cartney fan but credit where it is due - well done to her for putting the project togetherand for doing the rounds of the TV & Radio stations to publicise it.[*]

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 Haven't had much to do with you Dave but would like to say something about George Best.

I am back in the UK at the moment and have had a chance to catch up with a some old mates and a few lads from soccer days. We friends, who have seen Besty play and a few of those friends knew George personally, will have those memories for a lifetime. Sadly for me, I met him but did not unfortunately ever get on speaking terms and have the opportunity to  have time just rambling on about soccer, tant pis eh ! Is that sad of me then ? Would I have been better off to have met you ?  Nah, of course not, going by the way you post and the way you feel it is OK to take pops at folks. Sorry but I feel you are some sad sod, who by his own admission,doesn't mind working on the black but no doubt would be the first one to say me, me, me, if it came down to a transplant for something similar and you try to intimate that someone wanted something for nothing, look inwardly first......................

You see Dave, first you have to give something, like, help, time, care, compassion, gifts and effort to anyone less fortunate, then who knows, you too might be worthy of being given something but, until then, well I guess you will just have to carry on being green eyed about anyone who is more thought of than yourself, which by the way you post, puts you quite a way back in that department to even the most decent average Joe !


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Seems to sum you up perfectly...

I originally posted this in case anyone interested wanted to donate. Then the cynical comments started. Now we have a newbie (another sock puppet?) chiming in, what a surprise.

If no-one agrees with you, Dave, you don't need to make up new identities - or from the spelling/grammar is it an old friend back?

Just to labour the point which Dave 'Nolife missed, you would be donating not to help Best, but people who are still alive.
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