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Brass Band/Orchestra


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Hi there,

Sorry, can't help in your area, but I suggest that as a starting point,  you contact your nearest Ecole de Musique - you will probably find an Address/Phone Number in the Pages Jaunes. They should be able to point you in the direction of any Bands/Orchestras in your area.
This is what we did when we moved over to Normandy (50), as my son plays the Trumpet, too. He has lessons at the music school, and also plays in the town's Junior Orchestra. He also played Christmas carols last year on the streets of our local town with 5 or 6 other Trumpet players!
I don't know how long your son has been playing for, but do be aware that if he continues to have lessons, he may well have to take Solfege (music theory) lessons as well, and French musical notation is not the same as we learn in theUK - but you may well have known that already, and he may be passed the stage of needing lessons, so excuse me if that is the case!!!




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I am quite curious as to what is different about french musical notation, apart from them saying do re mi fa sol la si etc instead of A B C D E F  etc.

I was told that they were changing the solfege lessons when my kids started. Bete that I am, I imagined that it would be improved and course time reduced, but no, went from two years to three years.

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[quote user="Teamedup"]

I am quite curious as to what is different about french musical notation, apart from them saying do re mi fa sol la si etc instead of A B C D E F  etc.


Well, that's about it really....................it's just that it took my son a bit by surprise when he found out that it wasn't exactly the same, and it took him a little while to remember what was what!!!! Funnily enough, my eldest son's electric guitar teacher (who is the Solfege teacher at the music school), doesn't do solfege with him, as he teaches him privately!!




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There are very few brass bands in France, probably around 25, and these are mostly associated with music colleges. I miss the brass band scene.

There are many "harmonie orchestres" though, the equivalent of the UK "wind band" and trumpets feature in these. The French also like their swing bands and jazz and of course the trumpets feature in these too.

Try your local mairie as already suggested, and your local tourist office. A Google.fr search could turn up some too.

Happy banding!

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A "Fanfare" is a type of bugle band with drums. More like the Boys Brigade or Scout bands in UK. The French refer to Brass Bands exactly as that... "Brass Band" and there is increasing interest but I think the French like their woodwind and saxophones too much for there the be any risk of a takeover.

In Amboise, in the Loire Valley, the French Open Brass Band Contest is held every year in June. This year it's on June 9th, and it attracts a lot of interest and several UK brass bands make the trip and have a great time.

Trumpet players would find a welcome in any of the harmonie orchestres, and as already stated, sometimes the standard is not very high but they are enthusiastic and generally have a good time.

Brass Bands do not have trumpets; the equivalent instrument is the cornet which has a mellower sound.

You've probably guessed that I'm an old brass band addict!

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